zhuangbility是什么意思 zhuangbility的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-02 18:01:21哎呦喂

zhuangbility是什么意思 zhuangbility的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义:'zhuangbility'这个词通常用来形容某人的自恋或虚荣心态,特别是在社交媒体上展示自己生活、外貌或能力的行为。可以视为一种贬义词。

2. 来源:这个词的来源有很多种说法,有人认为源于网络语言,也有人认为是某位明星或者网红的行为所发起的。在不断变化的社交和网络环境中,这样的词汇也会不断出现和更新。

3. 使用场合:这个词通常在生活中的讽刺、调侃、吐槽等场合出现,比如评论、微博、朋友圈等社交平台。一些电视节目、新闻、网络热点等也为这个词的流行提供了宣传和话题。

4. 相关词汇:'zhuangbility'通常与自恋、虚荣、炫耀、、不通等词汇搭配使用。这些词汇都可以用来形容那些过于自我展示、吹嘘自己的人或者行为。

5. 影响:'zhuangbility'虽然是一个贬义词,但在现代社会中却广泛流传和使用,甚至可以说已经成为了一种潮流文化。它对于人们的自我认知、社交行为、心态健康等方面都具有一定的影响。


1. She is always showing off her new clothes and expensive handbags on social media. She really has a lot of zhuangbility.


2. Don’t be fooled by his zhuangbility. He actually has very little talent.


3. She is so full of herself, always talking about how great she is. It’s really annoying to be around such zhuangbility.


4. He is always pretending to be something he’s not. He has a serious case of zhuangbility.


5. Many people on social media have a lot of zhuangbility, but their lives are actually quite ordinary.



读音:zhung b nng l


1. 他有很强的“能力”,总能在别人面前显摆自己的才华。

2. 要想在商场上立足,必须具备一定的“能力”。


Chinese translation: the ability to show off

Pronunciation: zhung b nng l

Example sentences:

1. He has a strong ability to show off, and can always flaunt his talents in front of others.

2. To succeed in the business world, you must have a certain ability to show off.




例句:Every grieving soul Be filled with joy ({Y: 我}每悲伤的灵魂 {Y: 我充满了喜悦})


例句:This is online map of the address "Xi Zhuang Zhen Guo Zhuang Zhai Cun , Hancheng City, Weinan City, Shaanxi Province, China" . (这是地址“中国陕西省渭南市韩城市西庄镇郭庄寨村”匹配的在线电子地图。)


1. ♪ You to know from the start ♪ (翻译:y ou to know from the start)

2. Qing soldiers barged in and arrested everyone in the Zhuang family (翻译:可是突然走进去一队清兵 说你们庄家上下都要被抓进牢了)

3. The uppercase Y always overpowers his lowercase friend, so the only time you get green babies is if you have lowercase Y's. (翻译:大写的“Y”总是能够主宰小写的“y”, 所以你得到绿色种子唯一的机会 是当你有两个“y”的等位基因。)

4. This is online map of the address "Shang Lao Zhuang Xiang Dong Xin Zhuang , Dongping County, Tai'an City, Shandong Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国山东省泰安市东平县商老庄乡董辛庄”匹配的在线电子地图。)

5. This is online map of the address "Zhang Jia Zhuang Xiang Xi Wei Jia Zhuang , Xushui County, Baoding City, Hebei Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国河北省保定市徐水县张家庄乡西魏家庄”匹配的在线电子地图。)

6. I mean, you know... maybe I don't wanna know, you know? (翻译:I mean, y - -you know...)

7. Sunny side of the streeeeeeeeeeeeeeet...... (翻译:{Y: 我}阳光的侧streeeeeeeeeeeeeeet ... ...)

8. A child is born in the town of David (翻译:{Y: 我}一个孩子出生 {Y: 我}在大卫城)

9. BIL located between pile caps and the super structure, mainly consisting of laminated rubber bearings and viscous dampers. (翻译:隔震层由叠层橡胶隔震支座和粘滞阻尼器组成。)

10. Oh, you know, y-y-you're such a good guy. (翻译:哦,你知道, Y -Y - 你这样的好人。)

11. Let imagination light your way (翻译:y dd Let imagination light your wa)

12. This is online map of the address "Duo Zhuang Zhen Bei Duo Zhuang Cun , Mengyin County, Linyi City, Shandong Province, China" . (翻译:这是地址“中国山东省临沂市蒙阴县垛庄镇北垛庄村”匹配的在线电子地图。)

13. We decided that we could agree to your price. but we are a bil worried about the slow delivery. (翻译:我们认为可以接受你方的价格,但是我们有点担心你们的交货很慢。)

14. But, you know, once you look at the facts... (翻译:once y -you look at the facts...)

15. # Lo mexicano y columbiano # (翻译:# Lo mexicano y columbiano #)
