parks是什么意思 parks的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-02 21:45:21安之若素

parks是什么意思 parks的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 含义

'Parks'指的是公园,一种供人们、休闲、运动的开放空间。缩写词 'PARKS' 则可以指代美国国家公园局。


- I love spending my weekends in parks, walking around and enjoying the fresh air.

- The national parks in North America attract millions of visitors every year.

- PARKS is responsible for managing and preserving the country's most iconic natural landmarks.

2. 历史



- The first public park in the United States was Central Park in New York City, opened in 1858.

- The landscape garden movement in 18th century England inspired the creation of many parks.

- Parks have a long history of providing public spaces for relaxation and recreation.

3. 重要性



- Having well-maintained parks is essential to the livability of a city.

- Parks offer a space for people to connect with nature and each other.

- Urban parks play a crucial role in reducing air pollution and mitigating the effects of climate change.

4. 特征



- The park has a beautiful lake and many trails for walking and biking.

- This park features a playground, picnic tables, and a basketball court for community use.

- A national park may be designated for its unique geological features, like Yosemite's granite cliffs.

5. 管理



- The city's parks and recreation department is responsible for maintaining all public parks and facilities.

- A local non-profit organization works to preserve and promote historic parks in the area.

- The national park service enforces regulations to protect the wildlife and natural resources of its parks.




1. We went for a picnic in the park yesterday.(昨天我们去公园野餐了。)

2. The amut park was crowded with people during the summer holidays.(这个游乐园在暑假期间人山人海。)

3. I had to drive around for half an hour before I found a place to park my car.(我不得不绕路开了半个小时才找到停车位。)




例句:Judge Dunaway, and Judge Parks. (Dunaway法官, 还有 Parks法官.)


例句:Did you find anything out about the parks girl? (你找到了任何关于那个女孩的线索么? {\fnArial Black\fs14\bord1\shad2\3cH4E0122}Did you find anything out about the Parks girl?)


parks一般作为名词使用,如在distribution of parks(公园分布)、holiday parks([网络] 假日公园;假日公园和露营地;露营车)、industrial parks(na. 工业区\n[网络] 工业园;产业园区;产业园区景观设计)等常见短语中出现较多。

distribution of parks公园分布
holiday parks[网络] 假日公园;假日公园和露营地;露营车
industrial parksna. 工业区\n[网络] 工业园;产业园区;产业园区景观设计
memorial parks陵园;公墓
motor parksun. 汽车停车场
mungo parks[网络] 苏格兰探险家巴克;苏格兰探险家蒙哥帕克;蒙哥帕克\n(mungo park 的复数)
neighborhood parks邻里公园
oyster parks[网络] 牡蛎公园\n(oyster park 的复数)
Parks Seamount[地名] 帕克斯海山 ( 太平洋 )


1. No one has less love for the gangs, but we haven't determined that they had a hand in Calvin Parks' murder. (翻译:没人比我更讨厌黑帮 但是我们还没有 确定他们与Calvin Parks的案有关)

2. Well, you see any parks around here named for him? (翻译:哼 你们见过哪座公园以他命名的吗 Well, you see any parks around here named for him?)

3. That's not going to turn out too well, is it? (翻译:很不幸遇上了Parks法官 是吧? 案子肯定不会很顺利了 是不?)

4. Judge Robert Parks, emergency on-call justice, presiding over plaintiff request for declaratory judgment on medical procedure... preventing nonpayment by insurance company life state. (翻译:我是Robert Parks法官 现在紧急裁决 原告要求对 医疗程序...)

5. Grab plates, and tell me where we are with the Calvin Parks investigation. (翻译:去拿盘子 告诉我 Calvin Parks的调查进展如何了)

6. Think of theme parks and you think of roller coasters. (翻译:一提到主题乐园,你马上想到的云霄飞车。)

7. Sometimes national parks are used by drug cultivators. (翻译:他们看起来像是一对不错的大学生 They seem like a couple of nice college kids.)

8. The Park Department builds parks. (翻译:The Park Department builds parks.)

9. The bodyguard leaves the building here, and the car parks here. (翻译:保镖从里面出来 车就在这里 就在车对面的屋子狙击吧)

10. And, um, was there an agreement between you and Judge Parks based on the exchange of this cash? (翻译:嗯, 你和 Parks法官间是否有什么协议, 跟这钱有对价关系)

11. Susan Parks of Penn State has actually studied this. (翻译:宾夕法尼亚州立大学的苏珊.帕克斯做了相关研究。)

12. And wasn't the work a payoff for Judge Parks deciding the McDermott case for you? (翻译:难道这不是报答Parks法官 在 McDermott案子上对你们有利的裁决)

13. - The parks worker is sure? (翻译:- 那个园林工确定吗 -他说他确定 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH2F2F2F}{\4cH000000})

14. And I said, look, is all this patriotism stuff in the parks a farce? (翻译:我说,你们看,你们整天在迪士尼乐园讲的爱国心都是装样的吗?)

15. Between cort and The bloodless condition of the parks girl. (翻译:Cort和那个没有血的女孩之间的联系 {\fnArial Black\fs14\bord1\shad2\3cH4E0122}between Cort and the bloodless condition of the Parks girl.)


