成交价用英语怎么说 成交价的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-03 06:21:20给我背影

成交价英语为" Bid",其次还可以说成"transaction pce",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到68个与成交价相关译文和例句。

transaction value transaction pce knock down pce ( 成交价格 )

成交价用英语怎么说 成交价的英语翻译

last recorded pce last trading pce last traded pce ( 最后成交价 )

crency rate crency rconsumed ( 当汇率 成交价 )

trading range trading g range ( 成交价幅度 )

best execution pce ( 最佳成交价 )

The sale pces are now The present deal pce is ( 现在成交价格是 )

1. (ALL CHEERiNG) -Yeah. -it's a deal.

2. Well, oke, you got a deal.

3. All done at eln and a half thousand guineas.

4. - You've got yoself a deal.

5. All ght, let's go. We're all in.

6. Keep yo shirt on. it's done.

7. i bet a thousand you won't gotta make it

8. The highest pce for a Strad at ction was $3.5m, paid in 2006.


9. Tear of the Sun, crent estimated value $30 million.

10. - i'm sorry. i just don't know...

11. And when they went iPO, their stock was at about 30 or 40 dollars and then plummeted, and it's nr traded above 10.

译文:他们上市时, 股票价格大约在30到40美元, 就直线下跌,而成交价格从没超过10美元。

12. Old penholder in the bid pces are over 1 million yuan.
