一清专案用英语怎么说 一清专案英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-03 08:51:19唯⒈のsē彩

一清专案英语是"different ",还可以翻译为plain to see,在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到90个与一清专案相关翻译和例句。

一清专案用英语怎么说 一清专案英语翻译

1. Get this cleaned out, and get him down to the sute om.

2. - i just need to make a little om.

3. These men know who you truly are.

4. Got it, reading her loud and clear.

5. Exactly. Well that makes it clear as crystal.

6. - You might think about having that cleaned.

7. As soon as the ads are clear, we're gonna be tryin' for Texas.

8. Come on, then, rybody. Let's clear this away.

9. i know that. i know that very well!

10. - Clear as day. She was weang--
