diversion是什么意思 diversion的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-04 03:11:22北港初晴

diversion是什么意思 diversion的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词义:diversion通常指为了分散注意力或缓解紧张情绪而采取的一种或消遣活动,也可以指改变或转移某人或某事的方向。在军事上,diversion还可以指在敌人身后进行的一种轰炸行动。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:在生活中,diversion常常用于指代休闲活动,如看电影、玩游戏等。在商业上,diversion还可以指商家将某种商品销售到非正常的渠道,如把商品出售到非授权渠道。

4. 词组搭配:make a diversion(分散注意力),diversion program(节目),diversion tactics(转移战术)。

5. 相关短语:divert one's attention(分散某人的注意力),divert traffic(改变交通方向)。

6. 发音拼写:[dih-vur-zhuh n]



1. My favorite diversion is watching movies.(我的最爱是看电影。)

2. The road was closed due to a diversion.(这条路因为改道而被关闭。)

3. She went on a diversion to the beach with her friends.(她和朋友们去海滩玩了一天。)

4. The diversion of funds from education to defense is a controversial issue.(将资金从教育转移至国防是一个有争议的问题。)

5. The diversion program helped him avoid jail time.(这个转化计划帮助他避免了去。)

6. The amut park is a popular diversion for families.(游乐园是家庭常去的场所。)

7. The flood created a diversion in the river’s flow.(洪水改变了河流的流向。)

8. The diversion tactics used by the team helped them win the game.(团队使用的转移战术帮助他们赢得了比赛。)

9. The diversion of attention from the main issue is a common political strategy.(将注意力从主要问题上转移是一种常见的策略。)




1. Taking a walk is a good diversion from work stress.(散步是一种很好的从工作压力中分散注意力的方式。)

2. The road was closed, so we had to take a diversion through the backstreets.(道路被封了,我们不得不通过小巷绕路。)

3. He was playing video games as a diversion from his troubles.(他打游戏来分散自己的烦恼。)

4. The magician performed a clever diversion to distract the audience while he made the object disappear.(魔术师表演了一个巧妙的转移,分散了观众的注意力,在做消失物品的魔术。)

5. The company decided to divert funds from marketing to research and development.(公司决定将资金从市场推广转移至研发。)




例句:So that's, as I said, the little diversion on my main love. (所以 就像我之前说过的那样 这是我主要兴趣的一个小分支 )


例句:So that's, as I said, the little diversion on my main love. (所以 就像我之前说过的那样 这是我主要兴趣的一个小分支)


例句:A diversion for one of the conspirators dressed as the Frankencreep... to switch places with the lifeless dummy. (声东击西的同谋之一 打扮成Frankencreep ... 与切换的地方 无生命的假人。)


例句:Also ingrained into the derro psyche is the pursuit of battle by stealth and diversion. (翻译:追求隐身和转移敌人注意力的战斗在迪洛矮人心深蒂固。)


diversion一般作为名词使用,如在diversion airfield(un. 备降机场)、diversion and pumping(蓄引提结合灌溉)、diversion aqueduct(导流渡槽)等常见短语中出现较多。

diversion airfieldun. 备降机场
diversion and pumping蓄引提结合灌溉
diversion aqueduct导流渡槽
diversion area(用于地下水)分流面积
diversion basin分水池
diversion box转移箱
diversion cargo更改卸货港货物
diversion certificate[法] 绕航证书
diversion chamber引流室


1. A diversion for one of the conspirators dressed as the Frankencreep... to switch places with the lifeless dummy. (翻译:声东击西的同谋之一 打扮成Frankencreep ... 与切换的地方 无生命的假人。)

2. Also ingrained into the derro psyche is the pursuit of battle by stealth and diversion. (翻译:追求隐身和转移敌人注意力的战斗在迪洛矮人心深蒂固。)

3. - We need a diversion, something big. (翻译:- 我们需要用障眼法,一件大的东西分散注意)

4. While not directly related to using lsof, a brief diversion to the /proc directory is in order. (翻译:尽管与使用 lsof 没有什么直接的关系,但对 /proc 目录进行简要的介绍是有必要的。)

5. You want to use their deaths as a diversion? (翻译:分散路西法的注意力吗 {\cHFFFFFF}{\3cH111111}{\4cH111111}As a diversion? something is broken in you.)

6. Jimmy Osmond, Gwyneth Paltrow? It's a diversion. (翻译:吉姆・澳文,格温妮丝・帕特洛 这是一个转移注意力的消遣)

7. We need you to create a diversion. (翻译:我们要你去分散他们的注意力 我们必须要离开这房子!)

8. My guess is you've never been to a diversion program before. (翻译:我的猜测是你从来没有去过 到前分流方案。)

9. Revelation of Todaro Model to Surplus Labor Diversion of Henan (翻译:托达罗模型对河南省农村剩余劳动力转移的启示)

10. During the construction of diversion channel in Daxia Hydropower Station in Yellow River, a retaining rock bar was reserved at entrance of diversion channel. (翻译:黄河大峡水电站导流明渠施工期间,在进口处采用预留岩坎挡水。)

11. Our plan requires a diversion. (翻译:我们的计划需要声东击西 Our plan requires a diversion.)

12. Have 'em attack the outer perimeter and create a diversion. (翻译:让他们攻击外围 转移他们的注意力 然后我才能像遵照你的指示)

13. It was just a diversion so that we could steal these. (翻译:那只是个障眼法,我们真正的目的 是去偷钻石)

14. Excavation of Middle and Lower Parts of Diversion Tunnel in Left Bank at Xiluodu Hydropower Station (翻译:溪洛渡水电站左岸导流洞洞身中、下层开挖施工)

15. Tom the bomb in the apartment is a diversion it's not dirty (翻译:汤姆 寓所的是为了转移视线 不是辐射)


