沙地用英语怎么说 沙地的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-05 13:07:18懒癌晚期

沙地通常被翻译为"tibba"意思,其次还可以说成" Shati",在《中小学生词典》中,共找到52个与沙地相关短语翻译和用法。

沙地翻译为 166 As the changes of climate the sandy soil water content showed obviously seasonal vaability.。

沙地用英语怎么说 沙地的英语翻译

示例:Some of them show greater vaability. 某些显示了更显著变化。

International Donors Conference on Reconstruction of Gaza Stp ( 加沙地带重建国际捐助者会议 )

The Sandlot The Slot ( 沙地传奇 )

Sand green Clay Cot ( 沙地球场 )

1. He checked the sandy areas of the aryo for any tracks.

2. His army was retned to the sands fm whence they came,

3. investigation on Helianthus tubesus L. Gwing in Sandy Land of the Eastern China .

4. Sdi Arabia beat China 4 - 3.

5. it's the sand of the Colosseum.

6. Hell, them picket fences wouldn't hold a praie dog in that sand.

7. People fm Gaza Stp come.

8. They saw a footmark in the sand.

9. Of stocks, Sdis and stability.

10. The sand area in Yulin lies in the southeast of the Maowusu desert, which is the most active region, where the Maowusu desert migrates to the southeast.


11. On the Occng Law of Herse convolvuli in Changsha Distct

12. i'm going to first shoot with this, uh, ball M33 ammo.

13. A Tentatively Study on Vapong-Dft Loss of Spray irgation in Maowusu Sandlot

14. Yes, the Abominable Sands.

15. Which is, of cose, the station near Treblinka. Of cose.
