garage band是什么意思 garage band的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-06 16:21:17心上尘

1. 词义:garage band是指那些在车库或家庭工作室内组成的乐队,通常是非职业化的音乐团体。这种乐队通常玩的是摇滚或流行音乐。

garage band是什么意思 garage band的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 词性:garage band是一个复合名词,由两个单词组成,garage是名词,用来指车库,band是名词,用来指乐队。

3. 词组搭配:常见的词组搭配有:form a garage band (组建车库乐队), play in a garage band (在车库乐队演奏), garage band music (车库乐队音乐), garage band culture (车库乐队文化)。

4. 短语:没有固定的短语。

5. 发音拼写:garage的发音是/gr/,band的发音是/bnd/。


1. He and his friends formed a garage band in high school and played at local parties. (他和他的朋友在高中时组建了一个车库乐队,在当地聚会上演奏。)

2. They played some garage band music at the party last night, and it was so much fun! (他们昨晚在聚会上演奏了一些车库乐队音乐,非常有趣!)

3. Garage band culture has had a huge impact on the music industry over the years. (车库乐队文化多年来对音乐行业产生了巨大的影响。)

4. I love listening to garage band music while I'm driving, it just makes me feel so free. (我喜欢开车听车库乐队音乐,它让我感觉非常自由。)

5. They're planning on forming a garage band and entering the local battle of the bands competition. (他们计划组建一个车库乐队,并参加当地的乐队比赛。)


读音:['r bnd]


1. 我和我的朋友们在我们的车库成立了一个叫做“车库乐队”的乐队。

We formed a band called "Garage Band" in our garage with my friends.

2. 这个年轻人的梦想是成为一个著名的“车库乐队”吉他手。

The young man's dream is to become a famous "garage band" guitarist.

garage band通常被翻译为"数码音乐创作软件"的意思,还有随身录音室的意思,单词读音音标为[garageband],garage band常被用作名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到40个与garage band相关的例句。

Garage band的中文翻译


例句:There was something on the garage door. (车库门上有些东西 There was something on the garage door.)


例句:Kicked out of my own garage. (Kicked out of my own garage. 这可是我的车库)


garage band一般作为名词使用,如在garage account(人头账户,假账户)、garage administration(停车场管理处)、garage bands(随身录音室(数码音乐创作软件))等常见短语中出现较多。

garage account人头账户,假账户
garage administration停车场管理处
garage bands随身录音室(数码音乐创作软件)
garage doorun. 俯冲减速板;车库间\n[网络] 车库门;汽车间门图片;遥控铁卷门
garage doors[网络] 车库门;车库活动门;房门
garage for bulldozer煤机库
garage jack修车起重机,车库[工厂]用大型千斤顶
garage lamp(带金属护网的)安全灯
Garage Mahal泰姬陵


1. James had a really valuable record by an old American band called The Cramps, but he sold it for a song at a garage sale. (翻译:James有一个非常珍贵的美国老乐园录音带叫Gramps,但他去在车库把它处理掉了。)

2. He is a garage worker now. (翻译:He is a garage worker now.)

3. Underground parking garage downtown. (翻译:市中心的地下停车场 Underground parking garage downtown.)

4. I told this to Fargo... came by the garage the day it happened. (翻译:- I told this to Fargo -- 事发当天来车库了 came by the garage the day it happened.)

5. so it had to be prepaid you know, i was in a band. (翻译:要知道 我曾经也是乐队成员 You know, I was in a band.)

6. - You know the band Queen? (翻译:- 你知道皇后乐队吗? - 知道 - You know the band Queen?)

7. On the outside it looks like a very typical garage, a nice garage. (翻译:从外面看起来它象一个非常典型的车库,很不错的车库。)

8. That's what they called themselves. (翻译:那是他们自称的 The Clash, the only band that mattered.)

9. I am stuck on Band-Aid brand (翻译:我黏上一块创可贴 I am stuck on Band)

10. All of a sudden, the competition has gone global, just like it does a hundred years later, with the iPod, the internet and digital files and Garage Band, that do all of these things all over again. (翻译:突然之间,这种竞争已走向全球范围, 就像一百年后那样, 通过iPod,互联网 和Garage Band的数码文件, 通过这种方式, 我们再一次掀起了音乐界的全球性竞争。)

11. Drove right into the garage. (翻译:直接开进了车库里 Drove right into the garage.)

12. The boys in the band decide to appear (翻译:/The boys in the band /decide to appear)

13. We steam-cleaned the garage, had some killer take-out from Punjab Palace. (翻译:I was here. We steam -cleaned the garage,)

14. And her SUV is down in the garage. (翻译:她的越野车在下面车库 And her SUV is down in the garage.)

15. Not to mention the van in the garage. (翻译:还有车库里的货车 Not to mention the van in the garage.)
