restroom是什么意思 restroom的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-07 20:51:15难拥有

1. 词释:restroom指的是供人休息和上厕所的房间,常用于公共场合如餐馆、酒店、机场等,是提供基本卫生设施的场所。

restroom是什么意思 restroom的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 区别于其他类似词汇:

- Bathroom指的是有浴室的房间,即卫生间,其中包括淋浴和洗澡的设施;

- Toilet指的是专门用于的设施,包括马桶、池等;

- Lavatory指的是有洗手池的房间,可以进行洗脸、刷牙等日常个人卫生行为。

3. 社交文化意义:restroom在日常交际中的使用是有礼貌的表现,它体现了人们对于卫生和隐私的尊重。


1. Please use the restroom before we begin the meeting. 会议开始前,请先去洗手间上厕所。

2. We need to clean the restroom every day to ensure hygiene. 我们需要每天清洁洗手间,以保证卫生。

3. The restaurant's restroom is located on the second floor. 这家餐馆的洗手间在二楼。

4. Could you tell me where the restroom is, please? 请问洗手间在哪里?

5. The hotel's restroom facilities are very modern and clean. 这家酒店的洗手间设施非常现代化并且干净。




1. Can you tell me where the restroom is, please? (你能告诉我洗手间在哪儿吗?)

2. The restroom in this restaurant is very clean. (这家餐厅的卫生间非常干净。)

3. Excuse me,我需要用一下洗手间。)




例句:All right, let's say I go to dinner alone and during the meal I have to use the restroom. (好吧 就说我一个人去吃饭吧 在用餐期间 我肯定得去洗手间)


例句:Oh, my God, oh, quick, run up to the boardwalk and find a restroom! (哦,我的上帝,喔,快的, 跑到木板道那边 而且找一个洗手间!)


例句:I'm going to go to the restroom, and you two can have some quality time. (我打算去厕所,并 你们两个可以有一些质量时间。)

4.厕所 、卫生间

例句:The only time they get up is to walk to the printer, copier, or to go to the restroom. (翻译:唯一需要起来的原因就是要去打印室、复印室或休息室。)


restroom一般作为名词使用,如在public restroom([网络] 公共厕所;公厕;公共卫浴)、use the restroom([网络] 我要去一下洗手间)等常见短语中出现较多。

public restroom[网络] 公共厕所;公厕;公共卫浴
use the restroom[网络] 我要去一下洗手间


1. I'm going to go to the restroom, and you two can have some quality time. (翻译:我打算去厕所,并 你们两个可以有一些质量时间。)

2. The only time they get up is to walk to the printer, copier, or to go to the restroom. (翻译:唯一需要起来的原因就是要去打印室、复印室或休息室。)

3. The restroom on our floor is closed, we have to go to another floor. (翻译:我们这一层的卫生间被封闭了, 我们不得不去另一层.)

4. Drink up? -Throw a little bit of milk in there for your calcium and protein. -And head to the restroom! (翻译:喝干净?-放一点儿牛奶以增加钙和蛋白。-然后前往洗手间!)

5. "You need to tell me where the restroom is too, 'cause I'm definitely ill actually, and ready to throw up at any moment, " he says. (翻译:他说:“你也要告诉我厕所在哪里,『因为我事实上明显感到不适,随时都可能呕吐。』”)

6. Um, I was wondering if you might know where there was a restroom that had a changing table? (翻译:嗯, 请教你一下 有那个化妆室? 里头有帮小孩换尿布的桌子)

7. A man got on the bus and hid in the bus restroom with a bomb. (翻译:一个男人上了公共汽车,并带着藏在了公共汽车休息室里。)

8. I found an expensive diamond ring in the restroom this morning. (翻译:今天早上我在洗手间发现了一枚昂贵的钻石戒指。)

9. The girl went into the restroom with a blush. (翻译:女孩红着脸走入了洗手间。)

10. The nurse came and beat him for not getting to the restroom in time. She changed his bedding and linens which caused a lot of work for her. (翻译:他没办法走去厕所,护士还因此打了他一顿,因为她要为他更换床单等东西,增加了她们的工作。)

11. Excuse yourself and go to the restroom and get it out with a toothpick. (翻译:要请对方原谅,然后到洗手间用牙签挑出来。)

12. Juror number two, did you hear Mr. Gardner here - discussing the case in the restroom? - Yes, Your Honor. (翻译:二号陪审员 你是否听到Gardner先生 在洗手间讨论案子?)

13. When are we going to the restroom? (翻译:我从刚才开始就想上厕 一直憋着 什么时候能去洗手间?)

14. And when the heat made me too sick to walk the 50 feet to the public restroom outside my van at night, I used a bucket and a trash bag as a toilet. (翻译:但炎热的天气使我饱受折磨 以至于在夜里走50英尺 到车外面的公共卫生间都懒的动。我用桶和垃圾袋当厕所。)

15. For a while prior to that incident, we had been asking for a sharps container for the restroom, and after that, the library administration quickly approved installing one along with hiring bathroom monitors. (翻译:在那次事件不久前, 我们已经申请给厕所配一个锐器盒, 事件发生后, 图书管行政处很快就批准了安装申请, 同时还批准租用厕所。)


