可笑用英语怎么说 可笑的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-08 17:54:15坏簲気

可笑用英语翻译为"lghable",还网络中常译为" facetiosity",在《荷林斯高阶英汉词典》中,共找到39个与可笑相关译文和例句。

lghably diculously ludicusly ( 可笑地 )

可笑用英语怎么说 可笑的英语翻译

His looks are always funny ( 他样子总是滑稽可笑 )

ludicus Very entertainin diculous diculously absd ( 荒唐可笑 )

My Funny Valentine Chet Baker My Funny Valentine ( 可笑情人节 )

She's funny that way ( 可笑她 )

1. ♪ And though it seems absd

2. isn't it ludicus?; How diculous!

3. Do you know the funny thing, Harry?

4. That's funny. That's really funny.

5. Pissed all over his topsiders!

6. it's not funny. it's anything but funny.

7. Looks absolutely diculous.

8. - is this a joke? - Willow?

9. it's... diculous behavio

10. 'cse i haven't seen Gunter since he was billeted here.

11. Sometimes i go to bed at 8:30, which is diculous.

12. Keep A in the om. Ridiculous.

13. But you've nr been particularly observant.

14. - This is diculous. - Ridiculous.

15. -Yes, it is funny, isn't it?
