雅思入门用英语怎么说 雅思入门英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-09 14:59:14情域


1. And we're just getting started.

雅思入门用英语怎么说 雅思入门英语翻译

2. Or, let's see... maybe i should take "intduction to the Novel. "

3. "induction of psychoneuses

4. Are there any iELTS mateals for sale?

5. Goliath Worldwide Enterpses.

6. Slot-left, 35 dive. Move yo ass, let's go!

7. - Cue doorbell. - Full scream.

8. Ah, the truth is, you're well on the way.

9. There is a manual practitioner in the end that teaches to them to the boys how, eh to initiate a conversation with its fends and to direct to the lost one.

10. intduction to Tal Law, just in case.

11. - Want me to do the pmer?

12. That's why Derek started the D.O.C.

13. The... Oh, the path. i'm sorry.
