屏幕显示用英语怎么说 屏幕显示英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-11 04:57:59尤人

屏幕显示在英语中翻译是" OSD",还可以翻译为OSD on screen display,在《英语汉语大辞典》中,共找到46个与屏幕显示相关释义和例句。

MAC Large Screen Display LFD LED ( 大屏幕显示器 )

large screen display ( 大屏幕显示 电子 )

屏幕显示用英语怎么说 屏幕显示英语翻译

Large-scale Display Grandview LSDS LargeScreenDisplay ( 大屏幕显示 )

On-Screen Display Languages ( 屏幕显示语言 )

Colo On-Screen Display ( 彩屏幕显示 )

flat screen display ( 平面屏幕显示器 )

Large-scale Display Sial Equipments scale Display Sial Equipments ( 大屏幕显示设备 )

1. i will put it on-screen. Video message?

2. Fige 1 shows a screenshot.

3. it's ght there on the screen.

4. Softcopy output is displayed on a display, a television-like screen on which you can read text and graphi.


5. Here i have on the screen my country bubbles.

6. - Put it on the view screen.

7. Show in the main screen, and bng the Guardian here,

8. The following screen appears when you choose to work with HPL.

9. Scenes ofsuch brutal honesty will be shown on this screen.

10. The screen will display the username in the top ght-hand corner.

11. Ninety-one cameras running on 20 screens.

12. - O boards are showing impact.

13. Heat siates on-screen.

14. Screenshot shows the information center.

15. - Put it on the main screen.
