roll up是什么意思 roll up的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-12 07:30:58

roll up是什么意思 roll up的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:roll up指卷起、收拾、把窗户卷起、到达、集合等。


词组搭配:roll up one's sleeves(卷起袖子开始工作)、roll up the carpet(卷起地毯)、roll up a joint(捻烟卷)等。

短语:roll up one's eyes(翻白眼)、roll up one's sleeves to do something(卷起袖子去做某事)。

发音拼写:/rl p/


1. She always told me to roll up my socks.


2. It is time to roll up your sleeves and get to work.


3. He can roll up the carpet faster than anyone else.


4. Can yooll up the window, please? It's getting quite cold.


5. I'll be there before you know it, just roll up and wait for me.


roll up的中文翻译:卷起来,卷起来的东西



1. She tells us to roll up our sleeves and get to work.


2. He rolled up the newspaper and used it to swat the fly.


3. It's time to roll up our sleeves and get this project finished.


roll up的意思是"到达、积累成",作为名词时有"滚滚上升"的意思,在线发音:[rollup],roll up来源于英语,在《郎文当代初级英语辞典》中,共找到36个与roll up相关的例句。

Roll up的词典翻译


例句:I wanna rock and roll all night (I wanna rock and roll all night)


例句:Roll up your sleeves, Randy. (卷起袖子做事了 兰迪 Roll up your sleeves, Randy.)


例句:## Put it up, put it up, put it up ## ([put it up, put it up, put it up])


例句:Roll me, rocking and reeling (翻译:Roll me, rocking and reeling)


roll up一般作为名词使用,如在roll pick up(un. 辊印\n[网络] 轧痕)、roll something up((军)翼侧卷击(敌方阵线))、roll sth up([网络] 卷或绕成球形或圆柱形;卷起)等常见短语中出现较多。

roll pick upun. 辊印\n[网络] 轧痕
roll something up(军)翼侧卷击(敌方阵线)
roll sth up[网络] 卷或绕成球形或圆柱形;卷起
wind up roll卷绕辊
on a rolln. 连连获胜
roll at(眼睛)盯着…打转
roll by平稳地过去, 流逝
roll in蜂拥而来\n[电] 转入
roll with因…而转动
roll with this[网络] 委屈点


1. ## Put it up, put it up, put it up ## (翻译:[put it up, put it up, put it up])

2. Roll me, rocking and reeling (翻译:Roll me, rocking and reeling)

3. # As a ball, when I fall I get right up and roll ## (翻译:# 当我你落时 能像个球般弹起并翻滚 #)

4. Duh you have to roll up the Windows first! (翻译:嗯……你必须先把车窗摇上去! )

5. And if not, heads will roll... (翻译:一旦未果 引咎辞职 And if not, heads will roll...)

6. Anybody can roll up from the front. (翻译:那么任何人都可以从前门攻进来 Anybody can roll up from the front.)

7. I roll up to the gate, see a black SUV speeding out. (翻译:我正要进去, 看到一辆黑色SUV加速逃离)

8. - ( Tires Screeching ) - ** ( Rock And Roll ) (翻译:- [ Tires Screeching ] - ** [ Rock And Roll ])

9. ♪ just let your feelings roll on by ♪ (翻译:* just let your feelings roll on by *)

10. Roll-on deodorant uses the same technology as the ballpoint pen. (翻译:Roll-on 除味剂采用的技术和圆珠笔一样。)

11. -'Cause I'm not like Miss Honor Roll? (翻译:- 因为我跟Honor Roll不一样?)

12. ## I like the pick-and-roll... ## (翻译:[I like the pick -and -roll...)

13. And you -- get ready to roll. (翻译:你 准备出击吧 and you - - get ready to roll.)

14. ** ( Rock And Roll, Indistinct ) (翻译:** [ Rock And Roll ])

15. # One roll, snake-eyes, like Jake the Snake (翻译:# One roll, snake -eyes, like Jake the Snake)
