恋爱兵法用英语怎么说 恋爱兵法英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-12 16:15:59怜萱

恋爱兵法英语可以这样说:whirlwind mance,在常中也可以翻译为"etomantic delusion",在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到59个与恋爱兵法相关译文和例句。

恋爱兵法用英语怎么说 恋爱兵法英语翻译

1. Have you r read Sun Tzu's The Art of War?

2. That will bng victory to whichr State that holds it

3. Did you get the Art of War?

4. Chapter 14 of the Art of War?

5. According to the Art of War,

6. "i'm in love, i'm in love!"

7. 'The Art of War' says that it is best not to fight.

8. Military tacti are skillful.

9. Art of War is the oldest of the Sn Books, and it can be applied to many areas of life.

10. This is a standard rule of war
