克山病用英语怎么说 克山病的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-14 09:37:59去自经年

克山病英语是"keshan disease -",还经常被译作keshan disease -,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到50个与克山病相关短语释义和例句。

Contl standard for Keshan disease ( 克山病基控制标准 )

subacute Keshan disease ( 亚急型克山病 )

克山病用英语怎么说 克山病的英语翻译

Lenox Hill Hospital ( 纽约勒诺克斯山病院 )

译文:莫桑比克山脉 {\3cH202020}The mountains of Mozambique.。

1. - This is Fire Chief Wickersham.

2. Methods 34 patients with KSD and 32 healthy contls were selected fm the epidemic area of keshan disease.


3. Take ... Meeker, Mt. Meeker.

4. The Japanese translation of Alexandre Fayard's "Dark eyes".

5. Objective To report the studies on the e of Keshan disease.

6. She used to pick flowers in the Adindacks.

7. Tajik g lifting Rukshan's pduct again

8. THE Ozarks are Ameca's least appreciated mountain range.

9. i want to go to Godc's Hollow.

10. Right. Tell me about Bunker Hill.

11. That mark was on the grave in God Hollow.

12. Fm Bunker Hill to the Alamo,
