botany是什么意思 botany的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-14 22:05:55戒卟鋽



botany是什么意思 botany的中文翻译、读音、例句

词组搭配:botany department(植物学系),botany cl(植物学课程),botany garden(植物园),botany book(植物学书籍)。



1. She majored in botany in college and now works as a botanist.(她大学主修植物学,现在是一名植物学家。)

2. The botany professor was impressed by the student's knowledge of plant species.(植物学教授对学生了解的植物品种知识印象深刻。)

3. The botany garden had a variety of exotic plants from around the world.(植物园里有来自世界各地的多种异国情调的植物。)

4. This botany book is a comprehensive guide to the flora of the region.(这本植物学书籍是这个地区植物群落的全面指南。)

5. The conference focused on the latest research in botany and ecology.(这次会议重点关注植物学和生态学的最新研究。)




1. Botany is the scientific study of plants, including their structure, growth, reproduction, and diseases.


2. She majored in botany and now works as a researcher at a laboratory.





例句:But here at the Royal Botanic Gardens in Kew, one of the birth places of scientific botany, we began to glimpse their extraordinary world. (不过在现代植物学诞生地之一 英国皇家植物园邱园 我们开始一瞥它们的非凡世界)


例句:This is the page of Department of Cryptogamic Botany, it is a part of Swedish Museum of Natural History. (这是隐花植物学部网页,它是瑞典自然历史博物馆的组成部分。)


例句:Dickinson studied botany from the age of nine and, along with her sister, tended the garden at Homestead. (迪金森xx岁的时候,开始与妹妹一起学习植物学并照管家中的花园。)


例句:All they could do was arrange the particles in families, like in botany. (翻译:他们所要做的 就是粒子的分类 就像植物学)


botany一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在ecological botany(植物生态学, 生态植物学;植物生态学)、economic botany(经济植物学,实用植物学)、environmental botany(环境植物学)等常见短语中出现较多。

ecological botany植物生态学, 生态植物学;植物生态学
economic botany经济植物学,实用植物学
environmental botany环境植物学
evolutionary botany演化植物学
experimental botany[植] 实验植物学
farming botany[农] 农业植物学
forest botany森林植物学
fossil botany化石植物学
frigidzone botany[植] 寒带植物学


1. Dickinson studied botany from the age of nine and, along with her sister, tended the garden at Homestead. (翻译:迪金森xx岁的时候,开始与妹妹一起学习植物学并照管家中的花园。)

2. All they could do was arrange the particles in families, like in botany. (翻译:他们所要做的 就是粒子的分类 就像植物学)

3. We have been doing research on botany, and we have a small herbarium of 4,500 sheets of plants. (翻译:我们一直在开展植物学方面的研究 我们有一个小干燥标本集,上边有4500种植物)

4. The first 11 ships of the First Fleet arrived with their cargo of around 780 British convicts in Botany Bay, New South Wales. (翻译:第一舰队的前十一艘船载着货物 与大约七百八十名囚犯 到达新南威尔士的博特尼湾)

5. To what degree are you interested in botany? (翻译:你对植物学的兴趣达到什么程度? )

6. College degree or above, major in pharmacy, bromatology or botany . (翻译:具备药学、食品学或植物学专业背景,大专或以上学历要求;)

7. We have to take turns doing your tasks, but, I mean, it's only botany. (翻译:们得轮流分担原本你的工作 不过,不就是些农活么)

8. Pharmaceutical Botany is one of the required and main courses in Chinese pharmaceutical speciality. (翻译:《药用植物》学是中药专业的主干课程之一。)

9. These were some of the questions Charles Darwin asked himself over years of research in botany, zoology and geology. (翻译:多年来,查尔斯.达尔文在研究植物学、动物学和地质学时,一直在思考着这些问题。)

10. We're smarter than they are. Yeah, in botany. (翻译:ﻢﻬﻨﻣ ﻰﻛﺫﺃ ﻦﺤﻧ - ﺕﺎﺒﻨﻟﺍ ﻢﻠﻋ ﻲﻓ ﻞﺟﺃ -)

11. I wanted to know if you were gonna chaperone the botany club's garden party. (翻译:我想知道你是否愿意陪我 去植物学会俱乐部的舞会?)

12. Forestry appertains to geography, to botany, and to agriculture. (翻译:森林学与地理学、植物学和农学有关。)

13. These phenomena may be observed just as well as the phenomena of botany or physics in laboratories, but we seldom see this. (翻译:这些现象可以像实验室观察植物或物理现象一样加以观察,们很少看到这一点。)

14. DE Bary abandoned a career in medicine in Frankfurt to devote the rest of his life to his botanical studies, becoming professor of botany at a number of German universities. (翻译:它放弃了在法兰克福医学的研究转向植物学的研究,后来成为好几所德国大学的植物学教授。)

15. It is active in under - and postgraduate training in the fields of botany, mycology, and plant physiology. (翻译:该所积极参于植物学,真菌学,和植物生理学领域的本科生和研究生训练。)
