料理用英语怎么说 料理的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-15 18:07:55依丝

料理用英语翻译为"see about",其次还可以说成"cuisine",在《英语A实用语法词典》中,共找到48个与料理相关短语释义和例句。

料理用英语怎么说 料理的英语翻译

Korean cuisine Kimchee ( 韩国料理 )

kaiseki kaseki-ryo Kaiseki Cose ( 怀石料理 )

1. if you'd speak to the captain, he'd tend to rything.

2. i tell you, i am arranging funeral affairs.

3. You have to be art to cook.

4. --No. You'll have Japanese food.

5. Hry up and take care of it

6. Apparently there's a tck to cooking them.

7. - The red snapper, wasn't it art? - it Was modern.

8. - Tabasco. i don't use Tabasco. This is Brazilian cooking.

9. You can make something like this?

10. -French cuisine. French cuisine?

11. - Winnie did well for herself.
