may as well是什么意思 may as well的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-18 05:07:52一身傲骨

may as well是什么意思 may as well的中文翻译、读音、例句

我可以为您提供'may as well'的详细解释和例句。

'may as well'是一个常见的英语短语,可以用作动词或副词,意为"就和......一样好"或"不妨",通常用来表示建议或暗示某个决定或行动是有利的。以下是更详细的解释和例句:

1. 用作动词:

- You may as well try the new restaurant. (你可以试试新餐厅。)

- He may as well apply for the job. (他不妨申请那份工作。)

- We may as well leave now. (我们就现在离开吧。)

- I may as well give up. (我也许就放弃了。)

2. 用作副词:

- You can't do anything else, you may as well come with us. (你没什么别的事情可做,不妨和我们一起去。)

- We may as well stay at home tonight. (今晚我们就在家吧。)


1. You may as well tell the truth instead of lying. (你不妨说实话,而不是撒谎。)

2. She may as well buy a new car since repairing her old car would cost as much. (她买一辆新车也无所谓,因为修理旧车的费用也差不多。)

3. I'm not hungry, I may as well skip lunch. (我不饿,不如不吃午餐了。)

4. He may as well take the train instead of driving there in the traffic. (他这样开车去的话,不如坐火车。)

5. We may as well do the laundry now instead of waiting until tomorrow. (我们现在洗衣服,不要等到明天。)

may as well的中文翻译是“不妨”,读音为/me z wl/。


1. Since we have some extra time, we may as well go for a walk in the park.(既然我们有额外的时间,我们不妨去公园散步。)

2. I don't really feel like cooking tonight, so we may as well order takeout.(今晚我不太想做饭,所以我们不妨点外卖。)

3. I have some errands to run downtown, so I may as well combine it with a shopping trip.(我有一些差事要在市中心办,所以我不妨把它和购物结合起来。)

may as well的中文解释是"还是、不妨",其次还有"还不如"的意思,发音是[mayaswell],may as well常被用作名词,在《英国翻译词典》中,共找到32个与may as well相关的例句。

May as well的翻译


例句:Maybe then you can trace the call. No, ms. Shaw, please. (please. 亚伦也许会被杀 {\fn微软雅黑\b0\fs14\3cH000000\shad1}and Aaron may well be killed.)


例句:May the force be with you! (May the force be with you !)


例句:Your pretense may well be indulged in the cozy clubs in London, but where I'm from, we call things for what they are. (Dr. Morgan. 可能伦敦舒适的小酒馆 {\3cH202020}Your pretense may well be indulged we call things for what they are.)


例句:Duty means doing the things your heart they well regret (翻译:Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret 这就是我命中注定要承担的责任)


may as well一般作为名词使用,如在may well(很有理由,大有可能;不妨)、May(n. xx月\naux. 愿能, 可以, 愿意)、in may([网络] 在xx月;xx月里;在xx月这段时间里)等常见短语中出现较多。

may well很有理由,大有可能;不妨
Mayn. xx月\naux. 愿能, 可以, 愿意
in may[网络] 在xx月;xx月里;在xx月这段时间里
may be也许,可能
may it be但愿如此(《魔戒首部曲》主题曲)
may of[网络] 可能的
there may be[网络] 可能有
is well保重;舒服


1. Your pretense may well be indulged in the cozy clubs in London, but where I'm from, we call things for what they are. (翻译:Dr. Morgan. 可能伦敦舒适的小酒馆 {\3cH202020}Your pretense may well be indulged we call things for what they are.)

2. Duty means doing the things your heart they well regret (翻译:Duty means doing the things your heart may well regret 这就是我命中注定要承担的责任)

3. It certainly was a watershed (翻译:如果是这样 Well, be that as it may,)

4. Well, he may not be the only one. (翻译:撒谎的也许不只他一个 Well, he may not be the only one.)

5. Well, we may well be soon. (翻译:菲兹钻进一块石头把西蒙斯从外太空带了回来 -我们大概也活不久了 -罗比的脑袋能着火)

6. - Yeah, well, be that as it may, Daddy. (翻译:- Yeah, well, be that as it may, Daddy.)

7. Well, if I may just recapitulate... (翻译:请允许我重申一遍 大臣 Well, if I may just recapitulate...)

8. Well, be that as it may, any publicity would bevery damaging. (翻译:如果是这样 Well, be that as it may, 任何宣传都危险了 any publicity would bevery damaging.)

9. Well, that may well be the case, but... (翻译:Well, that may well be the case, but...)

10. You may thrive, or you may die. (翻译:- - you may thrive, or you may die.)

11. - May I suggest a compromise? (翻译:May I suggest a compromise?)

12. And for your information, I hadn't had a lot of sleep the night before, so... so the toothpaste, that was just nothing! (翻译:不是我的样子 how I may or may not be feeling. that was just nothing!)

13. - That may not be good enough. (翻译:That may not be good enough.)

14. Well, same could be said about you, May. (翻译:那句话同样适用于你 梅 Well, same could be said about you, May.)

15. Well, I think my look may have conveyed the information. (翻译:我想我的表情已经传达了信息 Well, I think my look may have conveyed the information.)
