刚泰一品用英语怎么说 刚泰一品英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-19 17:05:51微博控

刚泰一品通常被翻译为"family brand"意思,还可以翻译为uniform brand,在《英语词汇学习小词典》中,共找到57个与刚泰一品相关短语释义和例句。

刚泰一品用英语怎么说 刚泰一品英语翻译

1. Yeah, let me get a pint ofJack and thatJa Rule.

2. But i'm not barmy. i'm a fighting pip that wants a pint of beer, that's me.

3. You're modest, that's no low ranking official

4. -The first word in entertainment.

5. i've bought them a pint, see?

6. A jug of beer to who can defeat her!

7. if you're feeling guilty, it's not becse of me.

8. One pint, that's all i want.

9. You'll have a pint, will you, mark?

10. This, my fend, is a pint.

11. Popped down to the pub for a pint! Bit of all ght!

12. So i too am to have the hono of tasting the kiss of steel

13. You will be taking a pint of water, and you'll sweat 10.
