打开天窗用英语怎么说 打开天窗英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-20 21:02:49森呓

打窗用英语说"louvre window",其次还可以说成"of glazing",在《英汉百科词典》中,共找到45个与打窗相关释义和例句。

1. Frankly speaking, for others three dred thousand

打开天窗用英语怎么说 打开天窗英语翻译

2. But, va, i'll just come straight out with it. i have a question.

3. But Camen gave me the dll, so can i just be honest with you?

4. Let's lay o cards on the table. For all you know,

5. - Ray, open up that skylight.

6. So what do you say we cut to the chase?

7. Let's get rything out in the open.

8. it's for you. Let's face it.

9. Let's get a little light on the subject.

10. See, i told you i can get this skylight open.

11. is that it's time for a little blunt talk.

12. Let's not beat about the bush...

13. That's what you do, that's... Becse let's be honest, as a bwn man to another bwn man.
