肥胖率用英语怎么说 肥胖率的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-21 18:17:48初蝶

肥胖率英语可以这样说: obesity rate,其次还可以说成"obesity rate",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到89个与肥胖率相关翻译和例句。

译文:在刚过去xx年中,全球儿童肥胖率提高了60%, 肥胖问题已经足够严重且难以忽视。

肥胖率用英语怎么说 肥胖率的英语翻译

1. Mom, he nr called in fat, come on.

2. Fat people love this stuff.

3. But you are not fat any.

4. And we were really very, very appreciative of it.

5. it's spreading aund the world ght now.

6. You're at 58, which is in the extreme obesity, or morbid obesity.

7. People think that obesity ...

8. Look, if he had weight to lose,

9. i've got "elephantitis"! [Shouting]

10. Resting metabolic rate in obese and nonobese Chinese

11. Samoans have among the highest rates of obesity in the world.

12. it will not lead to a sudden dip in health-care costs, predicts Mr Tgdon.


13. - And, while we're at it, why don't we get d of okers, and diabeti, and the obese while we're at it.

14. Simply having fat fends can tple yo sk of becoming obese.
