叫人用英语怎么说 叫人的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-22 08:29:48散场情节

叫人英语是" man named",还经常被译作call a person,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到78个与叫人相关译文和例句。

Radio Paging Service Radio o Paging Service ( 无线电叫人服务 )

叫人用英语怎么说 叫人的英语翻译

om button Call button ( 叫人按钮 )

person-to-person ( 叫人服务 )

1. A fella doesn't like too many spses down there.

2. That's enough to make a bulldog bust its chain.

3. it's a... it's a bit disconcerting.

4. Ask for assistance at once.

5. Get someone to check it out!

6. Send someone over there and check it out.

7. Worms came out of her mouth!

8. - i didn't call for back up.

9. rue love is not nice No, no

10. You can have me arrested. You can have torted.

11. it's called human safas.

12. i'll have somebody come by and pick it up.

13. Sit home with a loaded gun? Have the gcees dpped in by airlift?

14. Thisgood-byebngsateartotheeye

15. That's all ght, Shannon. Mandy was just leaving.
