acquiesce是什么意思 acquiesce的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-23 12:29:46梦鸢


acquiesce是什么意思 acquiesce的中文翻译、读音、例句


词组搭配:acquiesce in sth接受或默许某件事情;acquiesce to sth(尽管不情愿地)接受或默许某件事情。




1. He eventually acquiesced to her requests and agreed to go on a date with her.

2. The company's management had no choice but to acquiesce to the demands of the striking workers.

3. Despite his objections, he eventually had to acquiesce to the decision of the majority.

4. He had to acquiesce in the fact that he would not be able to achieve his dream of becoming a professional basketball player.

5. The government is unlikely to acquiesce to the demands of the protesters, as they believe it would set a dangerous precedent.



1. She finally acquiesced to his request and let him borrow her car.(她最终同意了他的要求,让他借用了她的车。)

2. The board of directors had no choice but to acquiesce to the demands of the shareholders.(董事会别无选择,只能默认股东的要求。)

3. I refuse to acquiesce to his unreasonable demands.(我拒绝默认他的不合理要求。)




例句:Elizabeth said no more — but her mind could not acquiesce. (伊丽莎白不做声了,可是她心里依旧不敢赞同。)


例句:Do you not feel willing to acquiesce in God's allotment if he wills you to go today? (你很快就会进入天堂了 当上帝决定让你今天离开人间 你会不接受他的分派么?)


例句:We have watched so many of you suffer and acquiesce to the seemingly unending and illusory power of the dark. (我们已经观察到你们中的许多人在这种被默许的,看似无休止的,虚幻的权力中遭受了伤害。)

4.默认 、默许

例句:Steve seemed to acquiesce in the decision. (翻译:斯蒂夫看样子默许了这个决定。)


1. We have watched so many of you suffer and acquiesce to the seemingly unending and illusory power of the dark. (翻译:我们已经观察到你们中的许多人在这种被默许的,看似无休止的,虚幻的权力中遭受了伤害。)

2. Steve seemed to acquiesce in the decision. (翻译:斯蒂夫看样子默许了这个决定。)

3. If Fidel's successors fix the economy, Cubans may acquiesce in their rule. (翻译:如果菲德尔的继任者可以稳定经济,古巴人或许会默然接受他们的统治。)

4. I think the reason is many years of indoctrination and obedience has led to a propensity to acquiesce to others expectations. (翻译:我认为原因是多年的灌输和服从导致了一种倾向,以默许他人的期望。)

5. No wonder you can't do it - you acquiesce to defeat - before you even begin. (翻译:你之所以打木头, 是因为你用手之前已经认输了.)
