alive是什么意思 alive的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-24 15:44:46幽殤



alive是什么意思 alive的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. come alive:变得有生气,活跃起来。

2. stay alive:继续存活,保持生命。

3. feel alive:感到活力四射。

4. keep alive:保持生命力,维持下去。

5. alive and well:健康、活着的,刻不容缓。

6. keep someone/something alive:使某人/某物继续存在。

7. be alive to something:了解某事,明确某事的重要性。



1. The baby is alive and well after the operation. 这个宝宝手术后活着,健康状况良好。

2. He was barely alive when they found him.他们发现他时,他已经奄奄一息。

3. I feel more alive now that I am doing something I love. 我现在做我喜欢的事情,感觉更有生机了。

4. The tradition is still alive and celebrated today. 这个传统至今依然存活,今天依然被庆祝。

5. The plant was barely alive, but we managed to revive it. 这棵植物已经快不活了,们设法救活了它。

6. Her spirit is still alive in the community she helped build. 她帮助建立的社区中,她的精神依然活跃。

7. It is important to be alive to the needs of others. 理解他人的需求很重要。




1. The animal was still alive when they found it. (当他们找到那只动物时,它还活着。)

2. The city is alive with excitement during the festival. (在节日期间,这座城市充满了兴奋。)

3. He felt alive for the first time in years. (多年来,他第一次感到活着。)




例句:Oh, it feels so good to be alive (# 哦 活着的感觉真好 # # Oh, it feels so good to be alive #)


例句:- Wait, was that thing alive ...? (was that thing alive ... ?)


例句:The evacuees will not make it through alive. (撤离者将会无法幸存 the evacuees will not make it through alive.)


例句:Seeking out the signs of anything alive. (翻译:seeking out the signs of anything alive.)


alive一般作为形容词使用,如在feel alive([网络] 感觉到充满活力;佐藤可士和的案例)、Heaven alive(哎呀! 天哪!)、keep alive(使活[燃]着;使继续着)等常见短语中出现较多。

feel alive[网络] 感觉到充满活力;佐藤可士和的案例
Heaven alive哎呀! 天哪!
keep alive使活[燃]着;使继续着
Look alive快点
Look alive!st. 快点!
looked alive快点;注意
looking alive快点;注意
looks alive快点;注意
Man alive![口语][表示不耐烦、惊讶等]哎呀!我的天呀!


1. The evacuees will not make it through alive. (翻译:撤离者将会无法幸存 the evacuees will not make it through alive.)

2. Seeking out the signs of anything alive. (翻译:seeking out the signs of anything alive.)

3. Well, Maureen makes me feel alive. (翻译:Maureen makes me feel alive.)

4. My heart skips a beat Girl, I feel so alive. (翻译:My heart skips a beat girl, I feel so alive)

5. You could've done it in the parking lot last night, but you didn't, you kept me alive! (翻译:-- you kept me alive!)

6. - And be happy that you are alive. (翻译:- And be happy that you are alive. 首先该知足你还活着)

7. That the cat is either alive or dead. (翻译:That the cat is either alive or dead. 猫要么活着要么死了。)

8. All you have to do is walk off that track alive. (翻译:All you have to do is walk off that track alive.)

9. Both my parents... Leonard, a surveyor and local councilor and Elaine, also a nurse... likes a drink, uh, still alive. (翻译:a surveyor still alive.)

10. But he doesn't want to be. (翻译:他还活着吗 Is he still alive? 是的 Yes.)

11. " So make your dreams Come alive " (翻译:? So make your dreams Come alive ?)

12. ♪ I swear I never felt so alive... ♪ (翻译:# I swear I never felt so alive... #)

13. - How about being buried alive? (翻译:- 怎么样? - No! - How about being buried alive?)

14. As long as Katherine remains alive. (翻译:因为凯瑟琳还活着 As long as Katherine remains alive.)

15. For the girl alive and well. (翻译:换女孩安然无恙 For the girl alive and well.)
