刮仿瓷用英语怎么说 刮仿瓷的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-24 21:02:44ζ丶忆无痕

刮仿瓷英语可以这样说:hard paste porcelain,还网络中常译为"porcelain spatula",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到51个与刮仿瓷相关短语翻译和用法。

刮仿瓷用英语怎么说 刮仿瓷的英语翻译

1. So aded were these pieces that they encoaged the dlopment of earthenware made in imitation of porcelain and instigated research into the method of their manufacte.


2. And started scratching. i was distracted.

3. Fine bone china -- this is a real classic.

4. i could shave his little arm...

5. Another Yi Dynasty porcelain.

6. You scratch it here sideways.

7. He could, like, be a part of o thing.

8. High speed, whatr. Bathom, cool tile.

9. Seems like yesterday she was in here.

10. Screed mateal and floor screeds - Screed matea - Pperties and requirements .

11. ♪ Round and und just like the moon phases ♪

12. [ imitates Shotgun Blast ]

13. Shall i remove yo milk moustache?
