immigrants是什么意思 immigrants的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-25 12:35:45萌果果

immigrants是什么意思 immigrants的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词的意思:移民,即从一个国家或地区移居到另一个国家或地区的人。

2. 词性:名词。

3. 常用场景:该词通常用于描述和讨论移民和移民政策。在许多国家,移民是一个和社会问题,各种机构和社会组织都在研究和制定相关政策。

4. 词组搭配:

- illegal immigrants 非法移民

- undocumented immigrants 无证移民

- economic immigrants 经济移民

- refugees and asylum seekers 难民和寻求庇护者

- immigrant community 移民社区

5. 相关短语:

- immigrant population 移民人口

- immigrant rights 移民权利

- immigration law 移民法

- immigration policy 移民政策

6. 发音拼写:[mrnts]


【读音】y mn


1. Many immigrants come to this country in search of a better life. (许多移民来到这个国家寻求更好的生活。)

2. The government has implemented policies to help immigrants integrate into society. (已经实施了政策来帮助移民融入社会。)

3. The local community is very supportive of the immigrant population. (当地社区非常支持移民人口。)

4. It can be difficult for immigrants to adjust to a new culture and language. (对于移民来说,适应新的文化和语言可能比较困难。)




例句:A month's start generally sees many illegal immigrants ({\fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000}照理月头应该有好多蛇)


例句:Sui, the daughter of Chinese immigrants, gew up to Dearborn, Michigan. (安娜,一个来自中国移民的女儿,在美国密歇根州的迪尔伯恩长大。)


immigrants一般作为名词使用,如在digital immigrants([网络] 数位移民;数字移民;数位移民世代)、economic immigrants([网络] 经济类移民;经济移民;新移民则以经济类)、illegal immigrants([网络] 非法移民;非法入境者;非法难民)等常见短语中出现较多。

digital immigrants[网络] 数位移民;数字移民;数位移民世代
economic immigrants[网络] 经济类移民;经济移民;新移民则以经济类
illegal immigrants[网络] 非法移民;非法入境者;非法难民
immigrants admitted被批准的移民数
new immigrants[网络] 新移民;新娘
undocumented immigrants[网络] 无证移民;非法移民;没有记录的移民


1. Many immigrants regularly remit money to their families. (翻译:很多移民定期给他们的家人寄钱。)

2. The manpower of millions of immigrants, the energy of coal, the unbridled power of oil. (翻译:几百万移民的人力,煤炭的能源 石油的无限力量)

3. Hong Kong has a limit on single journey of 60 immigrants a day (翻译:但是要办单程签证去到香港 香港名额有限 每一天只限六十个人)

4. There are illegal immigrants! (翻译:{\fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000}又有蛇...)

5. I am investigating some deaths Cynthia among immigrants. (翻译:我在调查辛西雅参与处理的 非法移民里两个死者的死因)

6. We have 11 million illegal immigrants currently living in the U.S. today. (翻译:目前美国生活着 We have 11 million illegal immigrants 1100万非法移民。currently living in the U.)

7. Are we listening to people of color, immigrants, the elderly and people with disabilities, or with reduced incomes? (翻译:我们有在倾听有色人种,移民 老人,残疾人, 还是收入减少的人吗? )

8. Countries are built on the hard work and grit of immigrants; we are all immigrants. (翻译:国家是建立在 移民的辛苦劳动和毅力勇气上的, 我们都是移民, )

9. We captured two illegal immigrants (翻译:{\fn华文新魏\fs20\bord1\shad0\fsp2\3cHFF8000}今天捉了两个)

10. You have no right to arrest illegal immigrants. (翻译:你们没有权利拘捕非法移民 You have no right to arrest illegal immigrants.)

11. Consider this: immigrants, particularly black and Latina immigrants, actually have better health when they first arrive in the United States. (翻译:想想看,移民, 特别是黑人和拉丁美洲裔, 在初次到达美国前的健康状况更好。)

12. Something about them being immigrants or something. (翻译:{\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs21\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}可能他自己是侨民的原因 或是其他什么的 {\fnMicrosoft YaHei\fs14\bord1\shad1\2cH111211\b0}Something about them being immigrants or something.)

13. Why is there such a discrepancy between the perception of immigrants' impact on the economy and the reality? (翻译:为什么移民对经济影响造成的感知和现实之间会有如此大的差异呢? )

14. In the fourth Part, discusses the Han immigrants'impact to Darhan Wang Banner . (翻译:第四部分从不同角度论述了汉族移民对达尔汉王旗的影响。)

15. The worst aspect of the record was the exploitation of these immigrants by the railroads and industries. (翻译:最坏的记录是铁路和工业对那些移民的剥削。)


