arai是什么意思 arai的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-25 20:32:44南岸青栀


Arai 可能是以下任何一种涉及不同领域的单词或缩写词:

arai是什么意思 arai的中文翻译、读音、例句

- Arai 是一种来自日本的头盔品牌,通常用于赛车和摩托车运动领域。

- Arai 是一种监视系统,用于追踪和记录生态系统中的大型猫科动物。

- ARAI 是 Automotive Research Association of India 的缩写,是印度的一家汽车研究和认证机构。

- ARAI 是 Advanced Research And Analysis Institution 的缩写,是印度的一家科学和技术研究机构。


- 摩托车和赛车头盔制造业。

- 生态学和环保领域。

- 汽车工业和科技研究领域。


- Arai 是个名词,通常不作动词或形容词使用。

- Arai 作为头盔品牌时通常用于口语或书面英语中。

- Arai 作为监视系统或机构缩写时,常用于科技研究领域或文件中。


- Arai 是摩托车和赛车手的首选头盔品牌。 (Arai is the preferred brand of helmets for motorcycle and racing enthusiasts.)

- 生态学家使用 Arai 监视系统来研究猫科动物的行为和迁移模式。 (Ecologists use the Arai monitoring system to study behavior and migration patterns of large felids.)

- ARAI 工程师正在研发更环保和节能的汽车引擎。 (ARAI engineers are working on developing more environmentally friendly and energy-efficient car engines.)

- 印度已经委托 ARAI 进行汽车安全认证。 (The Indian government has commissioned ARAI to carry out vehicle safety certification.)

- Advanced Research And Analysis Institution (ARAI) 是印度的一个前沿的科学机构。 (Advanced Research And Analysis Institution (ARAI) is a cutting-edge scientific institution in India.)




1. Arai是一个日本摩托车品牌。

Translation: Arai is a Japanese motorcycle brand.

2. Arai的头盔以高品质和高性能著称。

Translation: Arai helmets are known for their high quality and high performance.




例句:There are two railway stations in the city, a highway entrances and exits, there are no new, new Warashina, Arai, a new song, and so on the same highway and neighboring districts. (市内设有两个火车站、一个高速公路出入口,有新无、新藁、新井、新曲等公路与邻县相通。)


例句:Each apartment that Ms. Arai and Ms. Tahara redecorate is done with a concept in mind. (田原和喜多装饰的每一套公寓都有一个主题。)


1. At the store, Miki Arai packed what few supplies were available into a cardboard box. (翻译:商店内,Miki Arai把所剩无几的一些补给品装入纸箱。)

2. Noriko [Arai] mentioned that reading is not yet happening in machines, at least with understanding. (翻译:Noriko提到机器还不能进行阅读, 至少达不到理解的程度, )

3. Now, young employees are cautious about giving too much of themselves -- even if it means less money or prestige, Dr. Arai says. (翻译:现在,年轻的上班族对此谨慎了,就算这意味着更少的名利,Arai博士说道。)

4. "It's too far, there's no gas to get back, and it's easier to reach to evacuated tsunami victims closer to Fukushima, " Arai said. (翻译:他说:“仙台太远了。而在福岛更容易遇到疏散后的海啸幸存者。”)

5. Katsumi of Team Arai helped bring this technique stateside and is a heavy influence on the RC Drift scene. (翻译:胜队新居带来这一技术在美国和影响力是一个沉重的钢筋混凝土漂移现场。)

6. Ms. Arai and Ms. Tahara interview all of the potential tenants before they sign a lease. (翻译:在签署租赁合同之前,田原和喜多会与所有的可能租客进行面谈。)

7. At the store, Miki Arai packed what few supplies were available into a cardboard box. (翻译:商店内,MikiArai把所剩无几的一些补给品装入纸箱。)

8. As he latched the box of supplies to the back of his bike, Arai explained that he had given up on Sendai. (翻译:在他把装着补给品的纸箱捆在摩托车后的时候,他解释说,他已经放弃去仙台了。)
