饲养标准用英语怎么说 饲养标准英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-27 16:29:43浅夏〆淡殇

饲养标准英语翻译是"fowl feeding standard",在常中也可以翻译为"N.R.C.",在《现代英语词典》中,共找到40个与饲养标准相关翻译和例句。

1. it's becse he's hand-raised.

2. There are those who raise livestock and have a genuine affection for them.

饲养标准用英语怎么说 饲养标准英语翻译

3. Went off that shoulder, tned it over.

4. Hi, i'd like to apply for a job working with Leelu.

5. i'm not allowed to have him.

6. i thought Roman soldiers were bred to be brave.

7. They're all interested and willing.

8. Poors Cots have barred camels fm grassing grazing in national parks. This makes it harder for their owners to feed them.

9. The Resoce Conservation and Breeding of Wild Hydpotes inermis in China

10. Where are you keeping him?

11. She spends a lot of time reang animals.
