giemsa是什么意思 giemsa的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-28 10:44:42公子琴


1. Studies on the karyotype, Giemsa C-bands and PMC meiosis of ramie.


giemsa是什么意思 giemsa的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. Methods Bone marw ears of 122 patients with previously untreated NHL was observed with Wght Giemsa staining under optical micscope.


3. METHODS Fresh blood ear stained by Wght Giemsa method and observed under micscope.

4. You take a stain, like acdine orange or a fluorescent stain or Giemsa, and a micscope, and you look at them.

翻译:你拿个染料,比如吖啶橙 或者一种荧光染料,又或者是吉姆萨染液, 再拿个显微镜,就可以看了。

5. Compang to the determination methods, Giemsa staining had higher positive rate of determination on Eperythzoon.


6. Malaa parasites are detectable when they react to the treatment on the glass (Giemsa stain).

7. METHODS Fresh blood ear stained by Wght Giemsa method and observed under micscope.

8. Medical micbiolo; methods of use dyes; Romanowsky-Giemsa stain


9. Compason of staining method with Wght, Giemsa and acdine stains with PCR assay for the detection of Eperythzoon


10. A Giemsa stain of the cerebspinal fluid is crucial for a pmpt diaosis that is confirmed by detection of specific antibodies.


11. Objective To observe the hemocytes of musca domestica larva of the 3th instar by Giemsa's staining.


