railways是什么意思 railways的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-29 01:37:41浅陌


railways是什么意思 railways的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 定义和历史


2. 优缺点



3. 应用领域


4. 相关词汇

在讨论铁路时,还有一些相关的词汇需要了解。例如:高铁(high-speed rail),地铁(subway),轻轨(light rail),列车(train),车站(station),货车(freight train),客车(penger train)等等。


1. The railway station was crowded with people during the holiday season.(节假日时火车站挤满了人。)

2. The new high-speed railway has shortened the travel time between cities.(新的高速铁路缩短了城市间的旅行时间。)

3. The old railway track was replaced with a new one to ensure penger safety.(为了保证旅客的安全,旧的铁路轨道被更换成了新的。)

4. The railway company has announced a fare increase for long-distance trains.(铁路公司宣布长途火车票价将会上涨。)

5. The railway workers are on strike for better working conditions and higher pay.(铁路,要求更好的工作条件和较高的薪资。)

中文翻译:铁路(ti l)

读音:ti l


1. Many people prefer travelling by railways because it's cheaper and more comfortable.


2. The development of railways has greatly facilitated transportation and trade.





例句:A crisscross network of public and private railways makes it easy to explore the entire Lavaux region on foot or by bike. (四通八达的公共及个人铁路网为观光提供了便捷,游客们可以步行,也可以骑自行车。)


例句:After that, traveling along roadways and later railways, the gray rat conquered one region after another. (之后,沿著车道和后来的铁路 灰老鼠攻陷了一个又一个地区)


例句:The Victorians regarded the railways as bringing progress and civilization. (维多利亚时代的人认为铁路带来了进步和文明。)


例句:But Europe's railways aren't just for train buffs and speed demons. (翻译:但是欧洲的铁路不仅仅是只有漂亮的火车和很快的速度。)


railways一般作为名词使用,如在electric railways(电气铁路)、electrified railways([铁路] 电气铁道,电气铁路)、elevated railways(n. 高架铁道)等常见短语中出现较多。

electric railways电气铁路
electrified railways[铁路] 电气铁道,电气铁路
elevated railwaysn. 高架铁道
Federal Railways联邦铁路
funicular railwaysadj. 索带的;用缆索运转的;【解】索的\nn. 缆车道\n[网络] 登山地面缆车
light railways轻型铁路,轻便铁路;窄轨铁路
maintain railways养路
Ministry of Railways铁道部
multitrack railways复线铁路


1. The Victorians regarded the railways as bringing progress and civilization. (翻译:维多利亚时代的人认为铁路带来了进步和文明。)

2. But Europe's railways aren't just for train buffs and speed demons. (翻译:但是欧洲的铁路不仅仅是只有漂亮的火车和很快的速度。)

3. Highspeed lines also free up existing railways for cargo, keeping lorries off roads. (翻译:高铁线路也释放了现有铁路货运能力,使公路货运转向铁路。)

4. It also runs Chiltern Railways and rail freight services in the UK. (翻译:它也经营着奇尔顿铁路公司和英国的货运代理服务。)

5. Railways as referred to in this Law include State railways , local railways , industrial railways and railway private sidings . (翻译:第二条本法所称铁路,包括国家铁路、地方铁路、专有铁路和铁路专用线。)

6. Railways, roads, bridges and enemy troops have been continuously attacked, yesterday... (翻译:对敌方铁路 公路 桥梁以及进行持续攻击 昨天...)

7. In developing countries, the most common mode of transportation is the railways, and the British built a lot of railways in India. (翻译:在发展中国家里, 最常见的交通工具 铁路, 并且英国人在印度建了很多铁路。)

8. The relationship of Turco - German epitomize on Baghdad Railways built. (翻译:德国与奥斯曼帝国之间的交往和关系,集中表现在巴格达铁路的修筑上。)

9. The Chinese high speed railways have a quatity all on its own. (翻译:中国的高速铁路有自己的质量。)

10. Railways reflect the boldest ambitions. (翻译:铁路反映了勃勃雄心。)

11. - India as one nation, unified as much by the idea as by the railways, maps, and communications. (翻译:几乎不能让人相信它竟然存在过 但它确实存在 你好)

12. This week both the French and German state railways were said to be interested in Arriva, a transport firm. (翻译:本周有消息称法国和德国的国家铁路公司都对运输公司Arriva感兴趣。)

13. The line ran through fields and communities, across railways, roads and irrigation schemes. (翻译:由于英国的疏忽没能及时派出保护民众 村庄就位于现在的)

14. Has it been a good thing for the railways, do you think, to be nationalized? (翻译:你认为铁路国有化是件好事吗? )

15. The industry is coeval with the construction of the first railways. (翻译:这一产业和初期铁路的建造相伴而生。)


