provocative是什么意思 provocative的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-29 17:26:40初梦

1. 词义:激起、挑衅、煽动的;的、的。

2. 词性:形容词。

provocative是什么意思 provocative的中文翻译、读音、例句

3. 词组搭配:provocative question(挑衅性问题)、provocative comment(挑衅性评论)、provocative behavior(挑衅性行为)等。

4. 短语:无。

5. 发音拼写:[prvktv]


1. Her dress was quite provocative and attracted the attention of all the men in the room. (她的衣服很,吸引了房间里所有男人的注意。)

2. The journalist asked a provocative question that left the politician speechless. (记者问了一个挑衅性问题,让家无话可说。)

3. His provocative behavior towards the teacher got him suspended from school. (他对老师的挑衅行为让他被学校停学。)

4. The comedian made a provocative joke that offended some members of the audience. (这位喜剧演员讲了一个性的笑话,冒犯了部分观众。)

5. The advertit for the new perfume was very provocative and . (这款新香水的广告非常、。)





1. The politician's remarks were highly provocative and caused a lot of controversy. (那位家的言论非常煽动,引起了很多争议。)

2. The movie's provocative scenes were deemed too explicit for some audiences. (电影中的挑衅场景被认为对某些观众来说过于露骨。)




例句:Beijing is gonna view this as deliberately provocative. (北京会看作挑衅 Beijing is gonna view this as deliberately provocative.)


例句:In our campaign to knock Columbus off his pedestal, we engaged in a visually provocative form of activism. (在我们推翻哥伦布的运动中, 我们从事的是一种视觉上 具有挑衅性的行动主义。)


例句:His films are bitter yet provocative, A refuge from indulgence. (他的作品都带有一丝挑衅意味的愤世 嫉俗,就像一个能赦免你罪过的避难所.)


例句:They came to an incredible, provocative conclusion. (翻译:他们的得出了一个不可思议的, 爆炸性的结论。)


provocative一般作为名词、形容词使用,如在provocative act(挑衅行为)、provocative background(诱发环境)、provocative diagnosis([医] 激发诊断)等常见短语中出现较多。

provocative act挑衅行为
provocative background诱发环境
provocative diagnosis[医] 激发诊断
provocative diet[医] 激发性饮食
provocative dose[医] 激发[剂]量
provocative headline耸动式标题
provocative inoculation[医] 诱发接种
provocative reaction激发反应
provocative test激发试验;诱发试验
provocative victim挑衅型受欺凌者


1. His films are bitter yet provocative, A refuge from indulgence. (翻译:他的作品都带有一丝挑衅意味的愤世 嫉俗,就像一个能赦免你罪过的避难所.)

2. They came to an incredible, provocative conclusion. (翻译:他们的得出了一个不可思议的, 爆炸性的结论。)

3. Some brands are aspirational, and certainly the packaging is incredibly provocative. (翻译:有些牌子目标远大 同时包装设计极富煽动性 )

4. Or was 'Yulu' an olive branch that Mr. Jia had craftily extended to the censors in advance of some new and provocative project? (翻译:抑或《语路》只是贾樟柯在推出引发争议的新片之前巧妙地伸向机构的橄榄枝?)

5. I left something provocative on that train, John. (翻译:矗マ ハム゚ハ ヤ枻ヌ ロ硼ルヌ ン・ミ瞩 ヌ矗リヌム)

6. So my provocative statement is that we desperately need a serious scientific theory of cities. (翻译:我敢大胆地说 我们急需一个严谨的城市科学理论 )

7. In this particular work, she actually strips out the images and leaves the actual text to reveal something previously unseen, and provocative. (翻译:在这个特别的作品中,她去除了人物, 仅仅留下了文本, 揭示那些不曾被人发现的、有煽动性的东西。)

8. String Theory was so provocative and downright weird that it immediately began to sound like a perfect Theory of Everything. (翻译:弦理论是这样,甚至是十分怪诞, 听上去简直像可以解析一切的完美理论)

9. Weakness, historically, tends to prove to be provocative and create instabilities in wars and conflicts. (翻译:无力,从历史上看, 往往被证明是挑衅 创造不稳定性 在战争和冲突。)

10. He has made a string of outspoken and sometimes provocative speeches in recent years. (翻译:他最近几年做了一系列直言不讳的、有时带有挑衅的演说。)

11. China then, like the Soviet Union, was a bleak place with little other intellectual stimulation. People yearned for provocative ideas. (翻译:在那个年代,中国象苏联一样惨淡,几乎没有其他思想的,人们渴望有煽动性的观点。)

12. And a provocative exhibition in Paris which tries to unpick the myth about the world's most famous ape man. (翻译:巴黎正在进行一场热火朝天的展览,试图揭开世界上最著名的猿人的奥秘。)

13. The economist Justin Wolfers wrote a provocative post last month arguing that children are "inferior goods. " (翻译:经济学家贾斯汀乌尔夫尔斯上个月发表了一篇引起争议的网文,文中论证:孩子是“劣等商品”。)

14. And, of course, there was some extremely provocative swimwear, also in Hawaiian print. (翻译:当然,有一些极其撩人的泳衣也采用了夏威夷印染。)

15. Liotta also suggests waiting to get results that are sufficiently compelling and provocative, and are likely to get the attention of the study section. (翻译:李欧塔也建议要等待有足够吸引力和挑战性、并有可能得到研究机构注意的方案。)
