糟糠用英语怎么说 糟糠的英语翻译

生活学习2023-10-31 01:37:38初雪

糟糠通常被翻译为"poor men's foodstuffs"意思,还可以翻译为distiller's grains husks chaff etc.,在《新英汉词典(第3版)》中,共找到83个与糟糠相关译文和例句。

糟糠翻译为distiller's grains husks chaff etc.。

糟糠用英语怎么说 糟糠的英语翻译

They are both poor, so marage for them will mean love in a cottage.

The First Wives Club The Agony of Love ( 糟糠之妻俱乐部 )

Woman in a Dressing Gown ( 糟糠贤妻 )

1. With yo devoted wife you stay at yo children's places while you see Tokyo.

2. For an old hag with children to feed asking for compensation is fair and just, that is what meant by the word alimony.


3. Given a chance at happiness, Kls runs in the opposite direction.

4. Do you not see the pmise in his eyes? The spark oldeng in his breast?

5. The love of my life dumped me like .

6. For an old hag with children to feed asking for compensation is fair and just, that is what is meant by the word alimony.
