evil angel是什么意思 evil angel的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-10-31 15:35:38阿锦

evil angel是什么意思 evil angel的中文翻译、读音、例句

词义:Evil angel指的是的天使,可以理解为堕落的天使或恶魔。


词组搭配:常见的搭配有evil angel's wings(天使的翅膀)、evil angel's smile(天使的笑容)等。


发音拼写:/ivl/ /endl/


1. She dressed up as an evil angel for Halloween last year. (她去年万圣节时装扮成了一个的天使。)

2. The evil angel whispered wicked words into his ear. (的天使对他耳语的话。)

3. He was convinced that the evil angel on his shoulder was tempting him. (他相信肩上的天使在他。)

4. The painting depicted an evil angel with fiery eyes and sharp claws. (这幅画描绘了一个眼睛辣的、爪子锋利的天使。)

5. She couldn't help but feel a little unnerved by the evil angel statue in the corner of the room. (她禁不住对房间角落里那座天使雕像有点心惊胆战。)

evil angel的意思是天使,通常指恶魔或堕落天使。


读音:[ivl endl]


1. She saw an evil angel in her dream and woke up screaming.


2. The character in the movie was possessed by an evil angel.


evil angel在中文中有"恶天使"的意思,其中文解释还有"恶魔"的意思,发音音标为[evilangel],evil angel是一个英语名词,在《新英汉汉英词典》中,共找到15个与evil angel相关的例句。

Evil angel的翻译


例句:Against the evil that besets this village. (萦绕此村庄的恶魔 Against the evil that besets this village.)


例句:Sun City Sector 3, Code 4 Trauma in progress. (欢迎基地单位到three day Angel来巡逻)


evil angel一般作为名词使用,如在angel(天使 )、directional angel(方位角)、dot angel(点状亮影)等常见短语中出现较多。

directional angel方位角
dot angel点状亮影
error angel误差角
fallen angel恶魔,魔鬼
flank angel【工程设计】(螺纹)侧面角
flare angel[网络] 喇叭天使
good angel善守护神
guardian angel守护神,守护天使


1. ♪ But if you were an angel ♪ (翻译:♪ But if you were an angel ♪)

2. # Where bright angel feet have trod # (翻译:Where bright angel feet ? 立其间 ?)

3. Everyone, meet Constance Angel Eudora Garvey. (翻译:大家都来见见Constance Angel Eudora Garvey.)

4. This is Mr. Keung, leader of Angel Organization (翻译:leader of Angel Organization)

5. ♪ Just call me angel of the morning angel ♪ (翻译: ♪ Just call me angel of the morning angel ♪ 叫我一声晨间天使,天使)

6. I am Angel Berriartua, from the University... (翻译:我是Angel Berriartua, 从学校来的...)

7. No, Angel No.1 is waiting for us (翻译:Angel No. 1 is waiting for us)

8. You are an angel from God! (翻译:You are an angel from God!)

9. Where bright angel feet have trod (翻译:Where bright angel feet have trod)

10. # Send me an angel in the morning, darling (翻译:# Send me an angel in the morning, darling)

11. It made Angel inhumanly strong. (翻译:It made Angel inhumanly strong.)

12. Start calling me Angel, or you'll never get used to it. (翻译:Angel! 要叫我Angel! 要不你永远不会习惯的)

13. Well, then go ask your boyfriend. (翻译:- Angel advice. then go ask your boyfriend.)

14. How bad an evil can there be here? (翻译:How bad an evil can there be here?)

15. The good and the evil live nearby, (翻译:好的,坏的不分你我 The good and the evil live nearby,)
