托业真题用英语怎么说 托业真题英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-01 07:07:37念君归

托业真题英语可以这样说:Ugento,还可以翻译为question answer,在《郎文英汉双解大词典》中,共找到11个与托业真题相关翻译和例句。


托业真题用英语怎么说 托业真题英语翻译

1. You will be faced with a total of ten puzzles!

2. O final question is a bonus und question.

3. People now solved sn questions on average.

4. People now solved sn questions on average.

5. Sometimes i wonder who they make these for.

6. You've got Cooking or Geography?

7. Not another question answered.

8. i asked the first question, but somebody else asked the second.

9. Do you think this question is easer than that one?

10. The Archaeological Area of Aggento

11. What do people take TOEiC s for?

12. - Yes, Nathan. - i don't know this one.

13. Well, all world. You're a To, too.
