meaningful是什么意思 meaningful的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-01 22:11:37思小睿

meaningful是什么意思 meaningful的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词性:meaningful是一个形容词,表示“有意义的”。

2. 同义词:相关词汇包括significant, substantial, worthwhile等等,都表示某事物具有重要性或价值。

3. 用法:meaningful通常用于描述某个经验、事件或行为具有深刻的含义或价值,也可用于描述某个话题或主题具有意义或价值。

4. 语境:meaningful经常用于正式或正式场合的语言中,例如学术论文、商务信函或个人说明书中。

5. 应用:在教学中,引导学生学习如何写出meaningful的文章,从而提高写作水平和语言能力。


1. It was a meaningful experience that helped me grow as a person. 这是一次有意义的经历,帮助我成长为一个更好的人。

2. The company's mission statement emphasizes the importance of creating meaningful relationships with customers. 公司的使命宣言强调了与客户建立有意义的关系的重要性。

3. The teacher encouraged the students to think about how they could make their cl presentations more meaningful.老师鼓励学生思考如何让他们的课堂报告更有意义。

4. The meaningful conversations we had during our trip brought us closer together as friends.我们旅行期间的有意义的谈话让我们成为更亲密的朋友。

5. The author's writing is insightful and meaningful, readers think deeply about important issues. 作者的作品富有洞察力和内涵,让读者深入思考重要问题。




1. Her job is very meaningful because she helps people in need.


2. We need to find ways to make our lives more meaningful.


3. He gave her a meaningful look and she knew exactly what he meant.





例句:They need to have a sense that their own work is meaningful and important. (他们需要有一种概念, 即他们的工作有意义,而且重要。)


例句:Not as a meaningful gesture of any kind. (并没有什么其它意思 Not as a meaningful gesture of any kind.)


例句:That's a much more meaningful combination, a more powerful combination. (这是一个更加有意义的组合,更有力量的组合)


例句:A meaningful life was simply an unalienated moral life. (翻译:有意义的人生就是在道德上不让步的人生。)


meaningful一般作为形容词使用,如在meaningful connection(有意义的连结)、meaningful estimate(有意义估计)、meaningful goal(un. 有意义的目标)等常见短语中出现较多。

meaningful connection有意义的连结
meaningful estimate有意义估计
meaningful goalun. 有意义的目标
meaningful information[计] 有意义信息
meaningful learning理解的学习
meaningful measurement有意义量测
meaningful memorization意义识记
meaningful memory意义识记
meaningful program[计] 有意义程序


1. That's a much more meaningful combination, a more powerful combination. (翻译:这是一个更加有意义的组合,更有力量的组合)

2. A meaningful life was simply an unalienated moral life. (翻译:有意义的人生就是在道德上不让步的人生。)

3. Is that anything meaningful? (翻译:它有什么意义吗? ST:这是自适应巡航控制的先行点, )

4. Something different, something more meaningful. (翻译:something more meaningful. 一些与众不同的,更有意义的)

5. Is there anything meaningful to you other than fooling around and fight? (翻译:你除了玩跟打架 没有更有意义的事情可以做吗)

6. But the spatial arrangement of the images here is actually meaningful. (翻译:不过,这些图片在三维空间的排列事实上是非常有意义的。)

7. I call this process "patternicity" -- that is, the tendency to find meaningful patterns in both meaningful and meaningless noise. (翻译:我称这个过程为“模式识别” 那是我们脑中将对有或没有意义的事物 都赋予模式意义的倾向 )

8. Well, in my case, one of the reasons was to do something meaningful. (翻译:对我来说, 其中一个原因就是 做这件事情有意义。)

9. Something meaningful that touches everyone's lives. (翻译:东西meaningfuI 触动每个人的Iives。)

10. I call this process "patternicity" -- that is, the tendency to find meaningful patterns in both meaningful and meaningless noise. (翻译:我称这个过程为“模式识别” 那是我们脑中将对有或没有意义的事物 都赋予模式意义的倾向)

11. Fuwa are probably the most meaningful Olympic mascots in the history. (翻译:福娃可能是历史上最有意义的奥运吉祥物。)

12. Did we communicate in a meaningful way in our relationship? (翻译:在我们的关系里 我们有没有作有意义的沟通?)

13. And ... brought clarity to the things that are meaningful to my life now. (翻译:并且 显现出了那些 对我的生命有真正意义的东西 )

14. This leaves no room for meaningful discussions. (翻译:这样就无法留下任何 有意义的讨论空间。)

15. In Madurai, a reward that is modest in North American standards, is more meaningful there. (翻译:在马杜赖,北美标准的的中等奖励 在这里有意义多了)
