freetown是什么意思 freetown的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-02 10:14:37莼潶sè

freetown是什么意思 freetown的中文翻译、读音、例句


1. 地理位置


- Freetown is a major port city on the west coast of Africa.

- The capital city of Sierra Leone, Freetown is located on a peninsula on the Atlantic coast.

- Freetown is strategically located on the natural harbor of the Sierra Leone River estuary.

2. 历史背景


- Freetown was founded in 1787 as a settlement for freed slaves.

- The city of Freetown has a rich cultural heritage, with influences from the Krio, Creole, and Mende peoples.

- Freetown played an important role in the abolition of the slave trade and became a center for education and cultural exchange.

3. 社会经济


- Freetown is a bustling city with a thriving economy, thanks to its position as a center for trade and commerce.

- The agriculture sector in and around Freetown produces a variety of crops, including rice, cava, and peanuts.

- Freetown is also a popular tourist destination, with a warm climate, beautiful beaches, and historic landmarks.


1. Freetown is the capital and largest city of Sierra Leone, located on a peninsula on the Atlantic coast. (Freetown是塞拉利昂的首都和最大城市,位于大西洋海岸的一个半岛上。)

2. The history of Freetown is closely tied to the slave trade and the abolitionist movement, as it was founded as a settlement for freed slaves in 1787. (Freetown的历史与奴隶贸易和废奴运动密切相关,它于xx年成立,是一个用于解放奴隶的定居点。)

3. Freetown is a major port city on the west coast of Africa, serving as a hub for international trade and commerce. (Freetown是非洲西海岸的一个主要港口城市,是国际贸易和商业的中心。)

4. The economy of Freetown is driven by a variety of sectors, including agriculture, tourism, and finance. (Freetown的经济由多个领域推动,包括农业、旅游和金融。)

5. Freetown is known for its diverse cultural heritage, with influences from the Krio, Creole, and Mende peoples. (Freetown以其多元文化遗产而闻名,受到Krio、克里奥和门德人的影响。)


Freetown这个词语的用法一般指的是该城市本身,例如:I visited Freetown last year.(我去年去了自由城。)此外,也可以用来表示该城市的人或物,例如:The Freetown people are friendly.(自由城的人很友善。)或者:We bought some souvenirs from Freetown.(我们从自由城买了一些纪念品。)


1. Freetown is located in the west of Sierra Leone.(自由城位于塞拉利昂西部。)

2. I heard that Freetown has beautiful beaches.(我听说自由城有美丽的海滩。)

3. Freetown is a multicultural city with diverse ethnic groups.(自由城是一个多元文化的城市,有不同的民族群体。)

4. The Freetown International Airport is the main gateway to Sierra Leone.(自由城国际机场是通往塞拉利昂的主要门户。)

5. Freetown was founded as a haven for freed slaves in the late 18th century.(自由城是18世纪末建立的为解放奴隶而设的避难所。)

6. Freetown suffered from a devastating civil war in the 1990s.(自由城在xx年代遭受了毁灭性的内战。)

7. Many NGOs have their headquarters in Freetown due to its central location in the region.(由于其在该地区的中心位置,许多非组织在自由城设有总部。)

8. The Freetown Peninsula is a popular tourist destination with its pristine beaches and lush rainforest.(自由城半岛因其原始的海滩和茂密的雨林而成为一个受欢迎的旅游目的地。)

9. Freetown is known for its colorful markets, where vendors sell a variety of goods from fresh produce to handicrafts.(自由城以其色彩缤纷的市场而闻名,那里的商贩销售各种商品,从新鲜农产品到手工艺品。)



1. Freetown is the capital and largest city of Sierra Leone.


2. Freetown was founded as a home for repatriated slaves in the late 18th century.





例句:Freetown receives over three metres of rain annually, almost six times London's annual precipitation, much of it during July and August. (弗里敦每年有超过3000毫米的降雨,差不多是伦敦年降水量的6倍。而其中大多数落在了7,xx月份。)


例句:Jack's first port was Freetown in Africa, and he sent Gloria a parrot from there. It spoke five languages. (杰克到达的第一个港口是非洲的弗里敦,在那里他寄给格洛丽娅一只鹦鹉,它能说五种语言。)


例句:A year later the government declared the war over and my mother returned to Freetown. (xx年后宣布战争已经结束,母亲回到了弗里敦。)


例句:Nothing in Freetown was as I remembered. (翻译:弗里敦已经不是我记忆中的样子了。)


freetown一般作为名词使用,如在Freetown(弗里敦(塞拉利昂) )、East Freetown([地名] 东弗里敦 ( 美 ))等常见短语中出现较多。

East Freetown[地名] 东弗里敦 ( 美 )


1. A year later the government declared the war over and my mother returned to Freetown. (翻译:xx年后宣布战争已经结束,母亲回到了弗里敦。)

2. Nothing in Freetown was as I remembered. (翻译:弗里敦已经不是我记忆中的样子了。)

3. My wallet, my credentials, everything got left in Freetown. (翻译:我的钱包,证件,所有的一切 都留在了弗里敦)

4. Outside of the craze of Freetown, the capital, I've seen a peninsula of beautiful beaches and lush forest. (翻译:走出乱糟糟的首都弗里敦,我看见半岛上美丽的沙滩和茂密的森林。)

5. The fuel oil we took on at Freetown will be enough to get as to Tilbury. (翻译:我们在弗里敦加的燃料没够把我们送到蒂尔伯里了。)

6. The prices quoted here is based on C&F Freetown with 1% commission. (翻译:这里所报价格系离岸加运费到佛里敦价包括1%佣金。)

7. The ship took on more fuel at Freetown. (翻译:轮船在弗里敦停靠加燃料。)

8. In Freetown many people greeted the indictment of the attitudinal-change officials as a joke. Others were less amused. (翻译:在自由城,很多人将起诉态度改变的官员当成开玩笑的招呼语,但其他人根本笑不出来。)

9. On a Sunday morning, Lumley Beach is packed with boys and girls playing on it - it's where the residents of the capital, Freetown, come to relax. (翻译:在一个星期天早晨,男孩和女孩们正在Lumley海滩上玩耍—这是首都弗里敦的居民放松的地方。)

10. Sir? I recall a not dissimilar case in Freetown. (翻译:- 我记得Freetown有个类似的案子)

11. Make them hear you in Freetown. Shed their blood! (翻译:让他们听到你们在弗里敦的呐喊 放他们的血!)

12. In Freetown many people greeted the indictment of the attitudinal-change officials as a joke. (翻译:在自由城,很多人将起诉态度改变的官员当成开玩笑的招呼语,但其他人根本笑不出来。)

13. My wallet, my credentials, everything got left in Freetown. We barely got out with our lives. Can we just get through? (翻译:我的钱包,证件,所有的一切,都留在了弗里敦我们好不容易捡了条命,能不能让我们就这样过去。)

14. In Sierra Leone, Revolutionary United Front forces have been sighted within 10 kilometers of the capital city of Freetown. (翻译:在塞拉利昂 联合阵线的武装力量 正坐着坦克攻向首都弗里敦)


