钱货两讫用英语怎么说 钱货两讫英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-02 17:17:36搁浅

钱货两讫英语可以这样说:sell outs,还网络中常译为"distress commodity",在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到32个与钱货两讫相关短语翻译和用法。

钱货两讫用英语怎么说 钱货两讫英语翻译

1. HK $2 million. This is yo quota.

2. One boarding, but of no real interest.

3. general McGrath yo weapons are being delivered as we speak.

4. Unless i make this next plane, you can wte me off.

5. This is the sacred city of Matha home of the divine of the Mahabharata, Kshna,

6. Nothing but a waste of money!

7. Sikes stole this cigar box fm Delgado, and it wasn't n worth anything-- it was a few dred bucks-- but what was inside was worth a lot .

译文:赛克斯偷了德尔加多雪茄盒 其实雪茄不值几个钱 也就几百刀 盒子里东西才是值钱货。


8. Southern Dynasties To at Lailongc, Xinshi town, Dangtu county are the largest to in Ma'anshan area, Anhui Pvince.


9. You better go home in pairs. Twos is o, you know.

10. it's o thousands, o dred...

11. Well, Mr. Fitch, are we concluding o business today or not?
