ldp是什么意思 ldp的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-03 09:47:36征战囧途

ldp是什么意思 ldp的中文翻译、读音、例句

'ldp' 不是一个常用的单词,通常是特定领域的缩写或简称,具体含义需要根据上下文确定。以下是几种可能的解释:


- Liberal Democratic Party,即日本,是日本的一个主要政党。


- 缩写(abbreviation)


- LDP leadership:领导层

- LDP lawmakers:议员

- LDP government:

- LDP headquarters:总部


- LDP candidate:候选人

- LDP election:选举


- /el di pi/


1. Japanese voters have given Prime Minister Shinzo Abe a fresh mandate to pursue his goals, handing his Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) and its allies a two-thirds majority in both houses of parliament.(《邮报》)


2. The LDP's victory could help Abe strengthen Japan's defense posture, a priority amid rising tensions with China over disputed islands in the East China Sea.(《华尔街日报》)


3. The LDP has governed Japan for almost all of the post-World War II era, except for a brief interlude between 1993 and 1994, and has overseen Japan's emergence as the world's third-largest economy.(《》)


4. The LDP's conservative stance includes support for amending Japan's pacifist constitution to give more power to the military.(《路透社》)


5. The LDP has struggled to win over younger voters, who are less tied to traditional loyalties and have grown up in an era of economic uncertainty.(《金融时报》)


6. The LDP has announced plans to expand the use of renewable energy, such as solar and wind power, to reduce Japan's dependence on nuclear power after the Fukushima disaster.(《》)


7. The LDP's victory is seen as a boost to Abe's plans to revise Japan's pacifist constitution, which would enable the country to play a more ertive role in regional security.(《BBC新闻》)


ldp的中文翻译是“标签传递协议”。读音为“bio qin chun dng xi y”。


1. LDP是一种用于建立标签交换路径的协议。

2. 使用LDP协议,网络中的设备可以通过标签转发数据包,从而提高网络效率。




例句:Nobuteru Ishihara, the acting secretary-general of the LDP, says Mr Abe, a close friend, is fighting for his survival. (安倍的好友,的代理秘书长称安倍正在为其生涯而努力奋斗。)


例句:Mr Aso might yet bow out, allowing one more boundlessly self-regarding buggins to contest the next election for the LDP. (首先麻生可能会选择不干了,让位于更加自命不凡的人代表参加竞选。)


例句:This promises to bring more pain for the LDP. (这预示着会承受更多的伤痛。)


1. This promises to bring more pain for the LDP. (翻译:这预示着会承受更多的伤痛。)

2. Forecasts of defeat have prompted speculation that the LDP will fracture, sparking a rejig of Japan's political landscape. (翻译:有人猜测,可能在大选中落败的预期将导致,并重塑日本版图。)

3. So a younger challenger may come forward, such as Nobuteru Ishihara, the LDP's deputy secretary-general. (翻译:因此,一些资历稍浅的挑战者会逐渐浮出水面,比如的副秘书长。)

4. Indeed, in the end, it was a belated attempt to pursue reform and take on some of the LDP's vested interests that did for Mr Fukuda. (翻译:表面看来,一如平常,但事实上,对于福田而言,追求改革并挑战某些即得利益的尝试为时已晚。)

5. But now New Komeito is alarmed at being tainted by the LDP's woes. (翻译:但是现在,新公民党有被士气低落的感染之虞。)

6. LDP lawmakers Onodera Five Code 26 in the House of Representatives Budget Committee meeting on this fact. (翻译:议员小野寺五典xx日在众院预算委员会会议上指出了这一事实。)

7. In effect, Mr Koizumi declared war on the old-style LDP. (翻译:实际上,已对老派的宣战了。)

8. But other dynamics might also be at work. If the LDP becomes too hawkish, says Mr Kato, then New Komeito could desert it for the DPJ. (翻译:但还有别的不安因素:加藤表示如果变得过于强硬,新公明党可能叛逃向党。)

9. Today, the LDP is devastated. (翻译:今天,彻底溃败。)

10. In opinion polls before the vote, there was as much scepticism about its policy manifesto as there was about the LDP's. (翻译:在选举之前的民意调查中,该党与的政策宣言受到了同样多的质疑。)

11. Electing the DPJ is still plainly a risk: the party is inexperienced and, like the LDP, an improbably broad church. (翻译:然而推举党也难免是一次冒险:它没有资历,而且可能如未必是个开明的党派。)

12. Another youthful force which did well in the elections was Your Party, formed less than a year ago by disgruntled LDP and DPJ types. (翻译:另一股在选举中表现良好的新生力量是大家的党,成立不足xx年而且令党和感到不悦。)

13. But Japan, for all that it will celebrate dealing the LDP a punishment it has long deserved, will want an answer. (翻译:但是,尽管日本将会对长期丧失了执政危机感的进行惩罚,民众会希望得到一个回答。)

14. He appointed a renegade LDP politician, Kazuyuki Hamada, to handle internal affairs in parliament. (翻译:他任命一个脱离的官员,滨田和幸,掌管国会内部事务。)

15. At the same time, the mainstream of both the LDP and the JDP favors developing relations with China, Liu said. (翻译:与此同时,和党的主流都倾向于加强与中国的关系。)
