flay是什么意思 flay的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-05 10:56:33北归

1. 词性 - 'flay' 是一个动词,表示剥皮或抨击某人。

flay是什么意思 flay的中文翻译、读音、例句

2. 同义词 - 'strip', 'peel', 'skin', 'castigate', 'criticize'

3. 反义词 - 'clothe', 'cover', 'protect', 'praise', 'commend'

4. 用法 - 'flay' 可以用于描述人或动物被剥皮,或者在口头或书面上严厉批评和抨击某人。这个词通常用来表达极度不满和强烈的情感。

5. 提示 - 'flay' 在美国英语中也可以缩写为 'FL',是 'foreign language' 的缩写,特别是在学术界和大学里。


1. The hunter flayed the deer to prepare the meat for cooking. (猎人剥下鹿的皮来准备食材。)

2. The sun's rays were so hot they flayed his skin. (阳光直射得太热了,把他的皮肤烤得剥落。)

3. The coach flayed the team for their r performance in the game. (教练因球队在比赛中表现不佳而严厉批评。)

4. The critic flayed the director's latest film as a complete failure. (评论家将导演最新的电影批评为彻底失败。)

5. The school requires all students to take at least two years of FL to graduate. (该学校要求所有学生至少学习两年的外语才能毕业。)



1. He flayed the meat off the bone with ease. (他轻松将肉从骨头上剥下来。)

2. The coach flayed his team for their r performance. (教练因球队表现不佳而猛烈批评。)

3. The prisoner was flayed alive as a punishment. (那个囚犯被活生生地剥皮作为惩罚。)

flay的中文解释是"剥皮 、剥兽皮",作为动词时有"掠夺"的意思,读音为[flei],flay是一个英语动词,在《大课标百科词典》中,共找到65个与flay相关的句子。



例句:That means he is wasting time with wages by getting flay, you know? (这意味着他用榨取的时间浪费工资,你明白吗?)


例句:What colour is Canada's flay ? (加拿大国旗是什么颜色的。)


例句:Unconvinced , the little stream replied, "That's because a breeze can flay, but I cannot. " (小河流很不服气的回答说:那是因为微风可以飞过沙漠,然而,我根本飞不起来啊!)


例句:As for Twisted Faith*, it increases damage if the target has Shadow Word: Pain not "mind flay" already on it. That's a typo. (翻译:至于扭曲信仰,它提高伤害是针对带有“暗言术:痛”而不是“精神鞭笞”的目标,这是打字错误。)


flay一般作为动词使用,如在flay a flint(贪得无厌)、malfunction flay([计] 故障标记)等常见短语中出现较多。

flay a flint贪得无厌
malfunction flay[计] 故障标记


1. Unconvinced , the little stream replied, "That's because a breeze can flay, but I cannot. " (翻译:小河流很不服气的回答说:那是因为微风可以飞过沙漠,然而,我根本飞不起来啊!)

2. As for Twisted Faith*, it increases damage if the target has Shadow Word: Pain not "mind flay" already on it. That's a typo. (翻译:至于扭曲信仰,它提高伤害是针对带有“暗言术:痛”而不是“精神鞭笞”的目标,这是打字错误。)

3. So cameraman Kevin Flay and researcher Matt Swarbrick didn't know what to expect. (翻译:所以摄影师凯文弗雷 和研究员麦特史瓦布里克 无法预料会发生什么事)

4. San Pao was used to symbolize the KMT, since rather than cursing the Japanese, he instead cursed the Chinese butcher ordered to flay him. (翻译:三炮被用来象征:临死前他不是咒骂而是咒骂奉命剥他皮的中国屠夫。)

5. He was gonna flay you alive and use your skin to cover himself like a Joe Dirt trench coat. (翻译:他要剥了你的皮 然后用你的皮当作防水外套)

6. We'd also like to swap over action bars too -- it'd be a pain if you're trying to Mind Flay and you end up trying to Flash Heal! (翻译:我们也打算在切换天赋的同时可以连带着动作条一并转换了,当你想要用精神鞭笞时却按出了快速治疗一定不爽吧。)

7. But not in a... lx-nay on the irt-flay, Kowalski. (翻译:但不是那种... But not in a... 好好看望远镜 科斯基 lx)

8. bright sugar cane, bright lotus root each 500 grams. sugar cane abluent, flay is mincing , bright lotus root goes section, mincing . (翻译:鲜甘蔗、鲜藕各500克。将甘蔗洗净,去皮切碎,鲜藕去节、切碎。)

9. Well, it may have been bobby flay's, but it didn't stop my dad from taking credit for it. (翻译:其实是 Bobby Flay的 可这不会影响我爸爸受到的好评)

10. NO - You don' t need to recast SW: P, damage (tick, to be clear) will change right after you hit the target with Mind Flay. (翻译:你不需要重新释放暗言术:痛,当你对目标施放精神鞭笞的时候,暗言术:痛的伤害会正确地被调整。)

11. They had to flay the animals and cut them up. (翻译:他们不得不将动物剥皮并切块。)

12. Almost nothing thrives in this harsh landscape, where salt storms flay flesh from bone and destroy what few meager crops manage to grow. (翻译:没有什么东西能在这片恶劣的土地上茁壮生长,沙盐风暴能从骨头上剥掉你的肉,能消灭那些为数不多的瘦小农作物。)

13. You cannot flay the same ox twice. (翻译:一头牛不能剥两次皮。)

14. Ramsay would flay them all when he learned his bride was gone, and what he would do to Grunt and Sour Alyn did not bear thinking about. (翻译:当他发现他的新娘跑了的时候,拉姆西会把他们都剥了皮,至于他会对咕噜特和尖酸的阿利做什么简直不忍想象。)

15. They had to flay the fleecy animals and cut them up for food. (翻译:他们不得不将这些身披绒毛的动物剥皮,然后切碎了做食物。)


