泰蒂徐用英语怎么说 泰蒂徐的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-06 13:05:32奶瓶ル

泰蒂徐英语为" taetiseo",其次还可以说成" TTS",在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到24个与泰蒂徐相关译文和例句。

1. Seo-yeon. You, you love Seo-yeon.

2. How come she looks like Zoe Tsui?

泰蒂徐用英语怎么说 泰蒂徐的英语翻译

3. Sergeant Major Seo. Sergeant Major Seo!

4. - What about ino? - Where are we on that?

5. Well, Miss Creative Director.

6. So you're Tatiana Romanova.

7. The best detective Seo Do Chul.

8. Pootie gotta flittie tai, Biggie Shorty.

9. What's the matter, old Tsui?

10. i'm Elizabeth Tailor, what do you want?

11. i say, Old Tsui... Old Tsui

12. Morty, set up a meeting with Trevor and Shanks in Liverpool.

13. Staff Sergeant. is this funny?

14. Editor-in-chief 5 becse my mind went complete blank.
