老鳖一用英语怎么说 老鳖一的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-07 07:44:31娇纵

老鳖一用英语说"tonychid",还可以翻译为doia subplana,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到74个与老鳖一相关翻译和例句。

译文:为了石鳖视觉能力,Speiser和他团队在加勒比海采集了一些印度毛肤石鳖(Acanthoplea granulate)。

老鳖一用英语怎么说 老鳖一的英语翻译

1. Something goes wng, we're sitting ducks.

2. To the chiton's vision, Speiser and his team collected indian fuzzy chitons (Acanthoplea granulate) fm the Cabbean.


3. isolation and identification of al ori of ulcus perforans in ttles and its sensitivity to antibioti

4. We were like fish in a barrel.

5. Like rats trapped in a cage.

6. Go on ! " check la dedans " !

7. But that's, again, shooting fish in a barrel, you know, ght?

8. We'll be like tkeys on Thanksgiving.

9. Once we confirm his success, he would be easy prey.

10. He'll be hting in a few days.
