信封用英语怎么说 信封的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-07 21:17:31借风吻你

信封英语翻译是" der Befumschlag",在常中也可以翻译为" der Umschlag",在《荷林斯英英小词典》中,共找到72个与信封相关译文和例句。

envelope paper envelope cartdge ( 信封纸 )

信封用英语怎么说 信封的英语翻译

Digital envelope digitaalinen kirjekuo ( 数字信封 )

air-mail envelope ENVELOPE AIRMAIL airmail envelope ( 航空信封 )

1. And i wte out the envelopes.

2. Jason, hold up the envelope now.

3. if you think so, just open it.

4. You get yo envelope back?

5. Now the envelope, Mr. Cobb.

6. - Drawings, sealed envelopes, cards?

7. Elliot, give this man the envelope.

8. There was gold dust in the envelope.

9. - Big red letters is not junk.

10. SASE - Self addressed, stamped envelope

11. On the back of the envelope,
