卓伟用英语怎么说 卓伟的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-08 10:47:30独享寂寞


卓伟用英语怎么说 卓伟的英语翻译

1. Hey, i'll tell you the truth, David.

2. What was yo worst birthday, Wayne?

3. And they got the muscle to back it up.

4. That substance was found in the tank of the fifth-place qualifier, Fonzarelli.

5. Cheuk is spelled C.H.E.U.K.

6. About as good as it could be.

7. For Chst's sake, just dump her here, Wayne.

8. i swear by those before us, we will not fall!

9. Weiwei, i don't know whether you beli me or not i've really fallen in love with you.


10. By lap 3, Jiang Teni picked up his pace and overtook Andy Yan with a time of 1:50.555.

译文:在第三圈时,江腾一找准自己节奏并以1:50 . 555圈速超越甄卓伟。

11. Pilt, Pilt, a battleship!

12. Congratulations, Mr. Cheuk.

13. Yo child has been born. My child, ma'am?
