hear about是什么意思 hear about的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-10 05:57:27别逞强

hear about是什么意思 hear about的中文翻译、读音、例句


hear about 是一个动词短语,意为“听到某事”,通常用于描述得到某些消息或信息。


hear 为动词,about 为介词。


hear about 后一般跟着一个事件、消息、八卦等事物。


hear about 意为“听到某事”,是一个固定短语。


hear 读作 /hr/,about 读作 /bat/。


1. I heard about the job opening from a friend who works at the company.(我是从工作在那家公司的朋友那里听到这个职位空缺的消息。)

2. Have you heard about the new restaurant that just opened downtown?(你听说了刚刚在市中心开业的新餐厅吗?)

3. He was shocked when he heard about the sudden death of his friend.(他听到朋友的突然死亡消息时感到震惊。)

4. I heard about the concert from a flyer that was posted in my neighborhood.(我从一个张贴在我家附近的传单上得知了这场音乐会的消息。)

5. She was excited to hear about the scholarship she had received for her college tuition.(她听到自己因学费获得的奖学金时很兴奋。)


读音:/hr bat/


1. Have you heard about the new restaurant that just opened downtown? (你听说新开张的那家餐厅了吗?)

2. I heard about your promotion at work. Congratulations! (我听说你在工作上晋升了,恭喜!)

3. Did you hear about the accident on the highway yesterday? (你听说昨天高速公路上的事故了吗?)

hear about的意思是"听说关于、听到关于",其中文解释还有"得知"的意思,读音为[hearabout],hear about在英语中经常以动词形式出现,在《实用全新英汉双解大词典》中,共找到69个与hear about相关的句子。

Hear about的释义


例句:George, did you hear the news about Natalie? (George, did you hear the news about Natalie? George, 你知道Natalie的结果了吗?)


例句:I hear you guys fighting about it. (我听见你们为这事吵架来着 I hear you guys fighting about it.)


例句:The gods are gonna hear you talking about them... (Shut up. The gods are gonna hear you talking about them...)


例句:When did I first hear about Minecraft? (翻译:{\bord0\fnMicrosoft YaHei}{\cHFFFFFF}{\2cH00111211F}{\4cH000000}When did I first hear about Minecraft?)


hear about一般作为动词使用,如在hear hear([网络] 听)、hear hear!([网络] 听)、hear! hear([网络] 听)等常见短语中出现较多。

hear hear[网络] 听
hear hear![网络] 听
hear! hear[网络] 听
hear ... ofna. 听说;获悉;收到…的消息;知道\n[网络] 听到;听说过;得悉
hear and there各处
hear of听说
hear to〈口〉不同意, 不肯听, 听不进去
not hear for不同意,不允许;不听从,不予考虑


1. The gods are gonna hear you talking about them... (翻译:Shut up. The gods are gonna hear you talking about them...)

2. When did I first hear about Minecraft? (翻译:{\bord0\fnMicrosoft YaHei}{\cHFFFFFF}{\2cH00111211F}{\4cH000000}When did I first hear about Minecraft?)

3. When did you first hear about the operation, Collette? (翻译:第一次听说手术是什么时候,克里特? When did you first hear about the operation, Collette?)

4. I want to hear about you first. (翻译:先说说你的情况嘛 I want to hear about you first.)

5. "You need to hear about it!" (翻译:你得听听 {\fnTahoma\fs14\1cH3CF1F3}You need to hear about it!)

6. I did hear something about that. (翻译:I did hear something about that.)

7. And you gotta hear this. Ok. (翻译:And you gotta hear this.)

8. ♪ Sing and I will hear you ♪ (翻译:# Sing and I will hear you #)

9. Hey, did you hear that story about the tooth fairy? (翻译:嘿 你听过牙仙的故事吗? Hey, did you hear that story about the tooth fairy?)

10. Good to hear, Lee, good to hear. (翻译:不错啊 李 不错 Good to hear, Lee, good to hear.)

11. Um:哎 你那个 Um

12. Did you hear about Avocado? (翻译:艾弗卡托的事听说了吗 {\3cH202020}Did you hear about Avocado?)

13. Did you not hear what Paul talked about in church? (翻译:你没听到保罗在教堂里说的话吗 Did you not hear what Paul talked about in church?)

14. Oh:-放开我 - Oh

15. - My father will hear about this! (翻译:-我一定会告诉我爸这件事的 -你敢威胁我? -My father will hear about this!)
