匹结构用英语怎么说 匹结构的英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-10 14:27:37唯爱痴狂


1. i have an 'orse! i ain't saying it might win.

匹结构用英语怎么说 匹结构的英语翻译

2. He wants o in bght red, and five in golden yellow.

3. One to pull, but o to push?

4. - pilates, advanced pilates.

5. That horse there, green bke.

6. "...a donkey tied, and a colt with her:

7. Now, this here horse is bke.

8. A felsteed is about the size of a light warhorse .

9. Bng Bwnie and Cupcake.

10. One was a large breed. The other, i'm not se.

11. What's that ? You see, sir, i've got this mare, and she's about the swee little Appaloosa mare a man could want.

12. -Gonna save up and buy me a horse

13. What? Give me one of them.
