积极参加用英语怎么说 积极参加英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-11 06:26:26默笙

积极参加英语为"attendactively -",还可以翻译为 be active in,在《汉语英语翻译词典》中,共找到16个与积极参加相关短语翻译和用法。

积极参加用英语怎么说 积极参加英语翻译

1. out of swim([口语]不积极参加当前活动;不识时务,不合潮流)

Students are actively involved in ( 同学们都积极参加 )

Actively participate in extra-ccular activities ( 积极参加课外活动 )

Actively participate in social practice Active participation in social practice ( 积极参加社会实践 )

Actively participate in the Games ( 积极参加运动会 )

Hope to participate actively in ( 希望大家积极参加 )

2. The company actively supports the community and encoages associate voluntee thugh a vaety of orizations.


3. He certainly is working hard.

4. Think positively. Speak positively.

5. Daying character cheerful, lively, self-reliance, very stng sense of competition, where she took an active part in extraccular activities.

