safeguard是什么意思 safeguard的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-11 16:37:26妄深拥

safeguard是什么意思 safeguard的中文翻译、读音、例句

1. 词释


2. 实际运用


3. 相关词汇



1. The police have taken measures to safeguard the safety of citizens. 警方已采取措施保障市民的安全。

2. It is the responsibility of the government to safeguard the rights of every citizen. 有责任保障每个公民的权利。

3. The contract contains a clause that safeguards the interests of both parties. 这份合同包含一条条款,旨在保护双方的利益。

4. The company has implemented a series of measures to safeguard its intellectual property. 公司已经采取了一系列措施来保护其知识产权。

5. The bank requires all customers to provide certain information as a safeguard against fraud. 银行要求所有客户提供特定信息,作为防范欺诈的保障。




1. We need to take some measures to safeguard the environment. (我们需要采取一些措施来保护环境。)

2. The security guard is responsible for safeguarding the building at night. (保安负责晚上守护建筑。)

3. The company has implemented strict policies to safeguard sensitive information. (公司已经实施了严格的政策来保护敏感信息。)




例句:We have an Integrity in Public Life Act as part of our framework supposed to safeguard the nation's interest. (我们有这样一个法案, 它是一个架构,用来保护国家利益。)


例句:They will press for international action to safeguard the ozone layer. (他们将竭力要求国际行动来保护臭氧层。)


例句:Ofgem, the energy regulator, says the free market is not providing the investment needed to safeguard energy supplies in the UK. (英国能源监管机构Ofgem认为,在英国,自由市场已经不能提供足够的资金来确保能源的供应。)


例句:I live to safeguard the continuity of this great society. (翻译:我生存... ...是为了捍卫此伟大社会的延续)


safeguard一般作为名词、动词使用,如在to safeguard(保护;捍卫)、engineered safeguard(设安全设施)、flame safeguard(火保护装置)等常见短语中出现较多。

to safeguard保护;捍卫
engineered safeguard设安全设施
flame safeguard火保护装置
legal safeguard法律保障
levitation safeguard
maintenance safeguard[计] 维护安保措施
multinational safeguard[经] 多边贸易保护
nuclear safeguard核防护
overload safeguard[化] 过载保护装置


1. Ofgem, the energy regulator, says the free market is not providing the investment needed to safeguard energy supplies in the UK. (翻译:英国能源监管机构Ofgem认为,在英国,自由市场已经不能提供足够的资金来确保能源的供应。)

2. I live to safeguard the continuity of this great society. (翻译:我生存... ...是为了捍卫此伟大社会的延续)

3. Boddy science and technology, your wealth safeguard! (翻译:博迪科技,您财富的保障! )

4. We and fountainhead are in obligee is basic of the interest safeguard going up is consistent. (翻译:我们与源泉在权利人基本利益的维护上是一致的。)

5. Turning type cover of raceway, which is dustproof , easy to safeguard and operate. (翻译:设有可翻转式槽道盖板,既防尘,又便于维护操作。)

6. The cathedral is being closed at the orders of President Calles so the government can make an inventory and safeguard its contents. (翻译:总统卡列斯总统命令这个教堂关闭 这样就能列出一份财产清单 并保护它们)

7. You did it because all the "refugees" you were trying to safeguard were armed guerillas. (翻译:因为你们想要保护的难民 其实全都是武装游击兵)

8. the fifth part proposed the safeguard measure for Zaozhuang sales filiale; (翻译:第五部分提出枣庄公司实施标杆管理的相关保障措施;)

9. On Implementation of "Unionize Workers and Safeguard Their Rights" for Migrant Workers (翻译:对农民工“组织起来、切实维权”实现形式的探讨)

10. The new card will safeguard the company against fraud. (翻译:新卡将保护公司免遭。)

11. The airline said the goal is to protect flight crews, and safeguard their rest, by minimizing the impact of continuing earthquakes. (翻译:新航说,此举的目的是将日本地震灾害的影响降至最低,保护机组人员并保证他们的休息。)

12. Oleksy said that China's rapid development was a favorable factor for efforts to safeguard world peace and stability. (翻译:奥莱克西说,中国的迅速发展是维护世界和平与稳定的有利因素。)

13. The Chinese government is ready to take joint efforts with Tajikistan to safeguard the regional peace and stability. (翻译:中国愿同塔方加强合作,共同维护本地区和平、安宁与稳定。)

14. It will be wise to ignore the needs of others and safeguard our own provinces. (翻译:这个时候,忽视别人的需求,保卫我们自己的行省 才是明智的)

15. Caesarian delivery: typically performed to safeguard the life of you or your baby. (翻译:剖腹生产交付:通常的表现,以保障生命的您或您的宝宝。)


