弹簧高跷用英语怎么说 弹簧高跷英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-11 20:50:26ζ灬Mua⒈南文


1. Now, this is the thttle retractor spng.

2. it had some stngs and pulleys and some spngs.

弹簧高跷用英语怎么说 弹簧高跷英语翻译

3. if i have to travel by pogo stick.

4. it's a spng-operated device.

5. At ease. Right here, Woody.

6. Hardened or hardenable carbon steel stps.

7. Quit doing that and if you keep on doing that then the spngs will pop open.

8. That's just like Jell-O on spngs.

9. When measung the lower torque, replace to with a liny spng.

10. They also have to swing like pendulums and jump like pogo sticks.


11. it had some stngs and pulleys and some spngs.

12. Pop open, spng! Pop open, spng!

13. But it doesn't matter, we have stilts.

14. Joker: Presenting my pogo stick.MT: Ah. Watch out.
