乌拉是啥用英语怎么说 乌拉是啥英语翻译

生活学习2023-11-12 12:02:26冰释


1. Oh, i like you n now.

2. - You shouldn't call her that.

乌拉是啥用英语怎么说 乌拉是啥英语翻译

3. Oh, yeah. i know what you are.

4. Do you know what... an owowow is?

5. What am i to you? Traci, i...

6. You're whor i say you are!

7. You 做啥 on 做啥 you are not eligible to bargain with me

8. What, you got me another coffin?

9. What's the activation phrase?

10. What does a gall bladder do?

11. What are those green light?

12. - What's going on in here? - No, no, no, don't look in there.

13. it was you and Urraca against me.
