sydney opera house是什么意思 sydney opera house的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-12 22:14:25轻舞飞杨


sydney opera house是什么意思 sydney opera house的中文翻译、读音、例句


读音:sdni pr has


1. The Sydney Opera House is one of the most recognized and iconic buildings in the world.


2. I went to see a show at the Sydney Opera House and it was absolutely breathtaking.


sydney opera house在中文中有"网络、悉尼歌剧院图片"的意思,其次还有"地"的意思,在线发音:[sydneyoperahouse],在英语中以名词出现较多,在《瓦里希英汉词典》中,共找到85个与sydney opera house相关的例句。

Sydney Opera House的中文翻译

例句:"Sydney Wilder, Walnut Street.". (Sydney Wilder, Walnut Street.)


例句:Imagine the sails of the Sydney Opera as power plants. (想象一下,悉尼歌剧院的 帆结构变成发电厂。)


例句:Christine Daae left Paris this morning to sing at the opening of his new Manhattan Opera House. (克莉丝汀黛依今早离开巴黎 要在他新开的曼哈顿歌剧院 开幕会上演唱)


例句:Madame Giry looked at the two men and laughed. 'I say that the directors of the Opera House are fools! ' (翻译:吉丽夫人看着这两个笑起来。“我说歌剧院的经理们都是傻瓜!”)


sydney opera house一般作为名词使用,如在Sydney Opera House(n. 【地,旅】悉尼歌剧院\n[网络] 雪梨歌剧院;澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院;悉尼歌剧院图片)、sydney opera([网络] 悉尼大剧院;走近悉尼歌剧院)、opera house(n. 歌剧院)等常见短语中出现较多。

Sydney Opera Housen. 【地,旅】悉尼歌剧院\n[网络] 雪梨歌剧院;澳大利亚悉尼歌剧院;悉尼歌剧院图片
sydney opera[网络] 悉尼大剧院;走近悉尼歌剧院
opera housen. 歌剧院
the opera house悉尼歌剧院
grand opera house大歌剧院
metropolitan opera house大都会歌剧院
opera house trap[网络] 歌剧院虾笼
Royal Opera House[网络] 皇家歌剧院;英国皇家歌剧院;皇家剧院


1. Christine Daae left Paris this morning to sing at the opening of his new Manhattan Opera House. (翻译:克莉丝汀黛依今早离开巴黎 要在他新开的曼哈顿歌剧院 开幕会上演唱)

2. Madame Giry looked at the two men and laughed. 'I say that the directors of the Opera House are fools! ' (翻译:吉丽夫人看着这两个笑起来。“我说歌剧院的经理们都是傻瓜!”)

3. ("HOUSE OF FUN" BY MADNESS) (翻译:Madness - House of Fun)

4. Australia is called "Acountry that is riding on the sheep's back" Everyone has 17 sheep. Sydney Opera House like a big galleon, It's a symbolize of the country. (翻译:澳大利亚农牧业发达,素有“骑在羊背上的国家”之称,是世界最大的羊毛和牛肉出口国。)

5. - ♪ Sydney ♪ ♪ Bein' in love ♪ ♪ Ain't no crime ♪ (翻译:* Sydney 恋爱又不是犯罪 Sydney 你可真美...)

6. And exciting men's fashions... direct from Europe at rock-bottom prices. (翻译:in the house of the troubadour. Sister?)

7. And then straight to the House. (翻译:And then straight to the House.)

8. I'm fine with Zach, Andrew and Sydney. (翻译:Zach Andrew和Sydney就行)

9. You can see the Winspear Opera House on the right and the Dee and Charles Wyly Theater on the left. (翻译:你可以看到右边是温斯皮尔歌剧院, 左边是迪和查尔斯威利剧院)

10. Born in Birmingham, Downes had a long and distinguished career, including conducting the first performance at the Sydney Opera House. (翻译:唐斯生于伯明翰,其职业生涯漫长且辉煌,包括指挥了悉尼歌剧院的首场演出。)

11. Mr. Reese, did you find Sydney Baylor? (翻译:Reese先生 找到Sydney Baylor吗?)

12. Orleans they call the rising sun ♪ (翻译:♪There is a house in New Orleans♪)

13. Sir Georg Solti conducts the Orchestra of the Royal opera House at Covent Garden in a performance of Tchaikovsky's 1820 Russian opera. (翻译:格奥尔格索尔蒂爵士在科芬园进行了柴可夫斯基的xx年俄罗斯的演出,皇家歌剧院管弦乐团。)

14. That's Sydney Baylor, a partner in the firm. (翻译:她是Sydney Baylor 公司合伙人之一)

15. You got tickets to the opera night or something? (翻译:You got tickets to the opera night or something?)
