sit up是什么意思 sit up的中文翻译、读音、例句

生活学习2023-11-13 10:47:25纯爷们



sit up是什么意思 sit up的中文翻译、读音、例句



- sit up straight(坐直身子)

- sit up and take notice(注意,关注)

- sit up and beg(坐起来请求)


发音拼写:/st p/


读音:[st p]


1. You need to sit up straight when you're doing your homework. (你做作业的时候需要坐直。)

2. My teacher always tells us to sit up in cl so we can pay attention better. (我的老师总是告诉我们在课堂上要坐直,这样我们就能更好地注意听。)

3. He had to sit up for hours because he had a bad cough. (他因为咳嗽厉害不得不坐着很长一段时间。)

sit up的意思是"一分钟仰卧起坐、体仰卧起坐",在日常中也代表"坐起"的意思,单词读音音标为[situp],sit up是一个英语名词,在《牛津英汉双解词典》中,共找到72个与sit up相关的句子。

Sit up的翻译


例句:- I said you need to sit down. (- - - I said you need to sit down.)


例句:It'll just sit there, even as the temperature continues to go up and up. (一直留在那里,直至... 直至被拯救! 拯救那青蛙是很重要的)


例句:Do you... do you want sit up there and read your book? (你在这儿坐一会看会儿书吧 Uh, do you... do you want sit up there and read your book?)


例句:All the girls sit up there. (翻译,前面都是女孩们坐的。)


sit up一般作为名词使用,如在sit up for(不睡等待某人)、sit up with(v. 陪夜\n[网络] 熬夜照看)、sit-up(仰卧起坐 )等常见短语中出现较多。

sit up for不睡等待某人
sit up withv. 陪夜\n[网络] 熬夜照看
sit up late深夜不睡, 熬夜
sit up straightn. 请坐好
sit at坐, 在…坐
sit by坐在旁边, 守护照料, 无动于衷
sit for参加,应;代表…担任议员


1. Do you... do you want sit up there and read your book? (翻译:你在这儿坐一会看会儿书吧 Uh, do you... do you want sit up there and read your book?)

2. All the girls sit up there. (翻译,前面都是女孩们坐的。)

3. If you doot wanna see it, sit down with the other elders. (翻译:sit down with the other elders.)

4. You sit wherever you like. (翻译:You sit wherever you like.)

5. Bobby, you just gonna sit there? (翻译:you just gonna sit there?)

6. Listen, hey, come on, sit down. (翻译:Listen, hey, come on, sit down.)

7. No thanks, I want to sit here for a while (翻译:I want to sit here for a while)

8. That's true. Harry, Harry. (翻译:Harry,Harry, Sit down.)

9. They teach you to sit up, beg? (翻译:他们教了你坐直 还是作揖讨食 They teach you to sit up, beg?)

10. Well, sit down, sit down, Dick. (翻译:来,坐下,坐下,Dick。我给你拿个盘子。Well, sit down, sit down, Dick.)

11. - All I do is sit and sigh-igh (翻译:- All I do is sit and sigh)

12. I suppose it would make people sit up and take notice. (翻译:我想这一定会引起人们的关注 I suppose it would make people sit up and take notice.)

13. # At times, man, I sit back and wonder # (翻译:# At times, man, I sit back and wonder #)

14. Sit down and shut up, you mouthy prima donna. (翻译:坐下然后闭嘴,不要啰嗦了 Sit down and shut up, you mouthy prima donna.)

15. Sit down, sit dows...calm down (翻译:坐下坐下 冷静 Sit down, sit dows... calm down)
